Cleaning & Laundry : Home & Garden

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When to Use Liquid Iron for Plants?

When to Use Liquid Iron for Plants?

Iron chlorosis occurs when a plant lacks the ability to obtain essential iron from soil. When this happens, plants may fail to thrive. While this is a common nutritional deficiency in some areas, the symptoms are similar to other plant problems. Learning to identify and treat iron chlorosis may be t
Oxygen Bleach for Tile Grout Cleaning

Oxygen Bleach for Tile Grout Cleaning

When you need to clean the grout between your tile, you must avoid use of chemically-based cleaning ingredients as these will discolor and cause damage to your grout, not to mention the surrounding tile that could be damaged through the use of improper cleaning products. Oxygen bleach uses safe and
How to Remove Odors From Sandals with Vinegar

How to Remove Odors From Sandals with Vinegar

Sandals will absorb sweat odors, which will cause them to have an unpleasant smell. Materials that are synthetic do not breathe well, so they will trap the perspiration and odor inside the sandal. Instead of throwing the sandals away, you can remove the odor with items that you have around your home
How to Remove Coffee Stains From Silk

How to Remove Coffee Stains From Silk

Because of the fabric's extremely delicate nature, removing stains from silk can be nothing short of a nightmare. Coffee stains in particular are extremely difficult to remove. With anything other than the freshest coffee stains, you'll more than likely need to have your silk clothing professionally
How to Remove Nail Polish From the Inside of the Dryer

How to Remove Nail Polish From the Inside of the Dryer

Try as you might, sometimes things get through the laundry that you try to avoid. So if you somehow managed to let nail polish slip through to the dryer, you might have quite a mess on your hands. Although it might look impossible to remove, you can get nail polish off of your dryer drum quickly. Na
The Best Way to Clean Horizontal Blinds

The Best Way to Clean Horizontal Blinds

Cleaning mini blinds is one of the more difficult housekeeping tasks. To keep mini blinds exceptionally clean, it is important to dry dust and use an appropriate cleaning method. The best cleaning method varies depending on the type of blind.
How to Clean the Grout Line on Tiles

How to Clean the Grout Line on Tiles

Grout lines are placed between tiles to provide not only an added design element, but also to position and hold the tiles in place. Typically, your regular floor cleaning routine cleans not only the tiles but also the grout. However, the grout is made of a different composition that sometimes does n
What Dish Soaps Make Suds?

What Dish Soaps Make Suds?

Dish soap made for hand washing dishes is, fundamentally, the type of dish soap that makes suds. You can find an array of such products on the market sold in a wide range of retailers. The categories of this type dish soap include national brand (also known as "name brand") soaps, store brand soap
What Makes Garages Smell?

What Makes Garages Smell?

We use our garages to store such a variety of products that it sometimes can be difficult to distinguish which product is creating an unpleasant smell in the garage. The good thing about there being so many potential culprits is that there are so many potential cures.
How to Get Soot From Fireplace out of Clothing

How to Get Soot From Fireplace out of Clothing

Although soot typically stays in the fireplace, residue on the hearth can end up on clothing. The black, dusty residue leftover from a burning fire easily smears onto clothing, leaving a smoky-smelling black stain. It's important to treat the stain prior to placing the clothing with other laundry to
How to Remove Fumes From Mattress Fireproofing

How to Remove Fumes From Mattress Fireproofing

In 1972 the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission took over responsibility of the Flammable Fabrics Act, which began in 1953. In 1967 Congress amended the Act to include household interior furnishings, which included mattresses. Therefore, manufacturers are required to treat or produce mattress m
How to Get Stickiness off of Fiberglass

How to Get Stickiness off of Fiberglass

Many common items, from home decor to vehicle parts, are made from fiberglass. Fiberglass is durable and withstands years of wear and tear without deterioration. When sticky buildup gathers on the surface, you must use a cleaning solution that breaks up the stickiness without damaging the underlying
What Are the Causes of Heavy Soot in an Oil Burner?

What Are the Causes of Heavy Soot in an Oil Burner?

Oil furnaces burn heating oil in a refractory pot to warm a home's air. The most common type of burner is the atomizing or gun-type burner. These use an electric pump and a nozzle to atomize the oil into a spray. This spray produces a cleaner more efficient burn that makes the most of the heat fuel'
Organic Insect Repellent for Plants

Organic Insect Repellent for Plants

Insect pests can become quite a nuisance when they start eating your plants. If you're not wanting to use harmful, toxic synthetic insecticides, you have several options that are natural and organic. "Natural" and "organic" do not necessarily mean safe, though, and should be used with caution.
The Best Way to Paint Wood Smoothly

The Best Way to Paint Wood Smoothly

It's easy to be disappointed when you spend money on quality paint, and then take up a couple of hours of your valuable time on a wood-painting project, only to be displeased with the results. The finish may appear uneven, full of imperfections and covered with unsightly brush marks. Fortunately, ca
Tile Floor Cleaning Companies

Tile Floor Cleaning Companies

Maids will clean tile floors in a home or business.Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty ImagesMany tile floor cleaning companies serve cities across the country, offering their services in both residential and commercial settings. Services may include floor and tile maintenance, vacuuming,...
How to Clean Swamp Coolers After Storage

How to Clean Swamp Coolers After Storage

Spring has definitely arrived when you see your neighbors outside getting their swamp coolers ready for the summer season. Set aside an hour to get yours cleaned and ready. Replacing the old cooler pad is one of many steps in cleaning your cooler unit for the summer. Poke your head into the unit and
How to Remove Outdoor Pet Odors

How to Remove Outdoor Pet Odors

Prior to treating and removing outdoor pet odors, you must try to determine where the odor is coming from and what caused the odor. The most common foul odors are caused by cat urine and skunk spray. When an animal urinates or sprays on wood surfaces, such as a deck or fence, the treatment will be
How to Clean Non-Vented Propane Heaters

How to Clean Non-Vented Propane Heaters

Unvented propane heaters are used as a source of supplemental heat in the home or in an outbuilding that has no heat source, such as a garage. The units come with a gauge to measure how much oxygen they take out of the air so they can shut off when they level drops. Cleaning unvented propane heaters
Easiest Way to Unstick Stickers

Easiest Way to Unstick Stickers

Whether you must place a parking decal on your window at your local apartment complex or parking garage, or if your child has placed stickers on surfaces around the home, you quickly learn that stickers can be difficult to remove. The adhesive holds in place firmly and can leave behind some of the s