Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Clean Swamp Coolers After Storage

    • 1). Remove the cooler pillow from the swamp cooler shaft and store it in a dry place.

    • 2). Turn on the main water supply to the swamp cooler.

    • 3). Remove the cooler cover, clean it, allow it to dry, fold it, and store it in a dry place for the summer.

    • 4). Remove each side panel from the main cooler unit and carefully climb down the ladder with one side panel at a time.

    • 5). Using pliers or channel locks, carefully remove the cooler pad retainers from each side panel so they are out of the way. Remove them completely if possible. Remove the used pads and set them aside temporarily. Don't breathe the dust that will escape from the old pads.

    • 6). Grab the new cooler pad. It can be bought as individual squares or in a roll. Place the new cooler pad into the frame and trim, using scissors as needed. Put the pad retainers back into place and take them back up onto the roof. Do not put them back into the main unit yet.

    • 7). Make sure your garden hose will reach the swamp cooler unit, and take it up onto the roof with the water running. Plug in a wet/dry vacuum, using an extension cord, and take it up on the roof also.

    • 8). Use the wet/dry vacuum to remove as much of the hard water deposits from the collection pan as possible. Add water to the collection pan to help loosen the hard water deposits that were not sucked up. Work as much of the deposits free with a brush as possible. Use the wet/dry vacuum to suck out the residue.

    • 9). Screw the drain plug into the hole. Check the condition of the drive belt. If it is severely cracked or in generally bad shape, replace it. Oil or grease the blower drive shaft. Plug the water pump and the motor into the power supply.

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      Hook the water pump to the pump hose. Check the condition of the float and float valve. Allow the catch pan to fill. Have someone in the house turn on the pump to ensure proper water flow.

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      Have someone in the house also turn on the fan. Check for any mechanical problems while the fan and water pump are in operation. Replace each side panel.

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