What Kind of Plant Repels Mosquitoes?
If you want to avoid mosquitoes but do not want to put terrible-smelling sprays on your skin, take heart. There are some plants that repel mosquitoes naturally.
How to Protect Drinking Water From E.Coli
E. coli has been blamed for causing severe bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps, and in a percentage of victims, even death. While there are hundreds of strains of E. coli, one strain, E. coli 0157:H7, is what causes a serious health problem. The first reported E. coli illness in 1982 wa
Low Chemical Diets
There are numerous reasons for eating a low-chemical diet. It can be a way to jumpstart a healthier lifestyle. Reducing your chemical exposure may also help you prevent certain diseases and chronic illnesses. The preservatives and unnatural ingredients in many foods are difficult for our bodies to d
Kaiser Diet
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your body mass index falls into the range of overweight or obese, you are at a higher risk for heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, cancers, high blood pressure and liver and gallbladder disease (to name a few). The Kaiser Permanente
Refried Beans Nutrition
Refried beans can be a tasty side dish or a meal as part of Mexican or Tex-Mex cuisine. They have some negative health components, but they offer health benefits when you prepare them well and know what to eat them with.
Soil Pollution Causes
Soil PollutionBefore listing causes, it's important that there be a proper, working definition of just what soil pollution is, and what it isn't. Generally, soil pollution is defined as the addition of materials, usually chemical in nature, which either don't belong in soil, or which are...
Free Fat Camps for Kids
Weight-loss camps for kids can be pricey.two obese people wearing union jack waistcoats image by david hughes from Fotolia.com"Fat" camps, or weight-loss camps, can accommodate children who are struggling with obesity by putting them in a friendly and helpful environment with others who ...
Low-Sodium Diet Plan
According to the Mayo Clinic, approximately 77 percent of sodium is consumed from eating processed or prepared foods containing high levels of sodium. So, even though you might be trying to limit your sodium intake, hidden sodium could be hindering your efforts. Your body needs a small amount of thi
How to Change Your Thinking
Your thoughts can build or break you. Staying positive when things around you are completely discouraging can be extremely difficult. But, it is possible to practice on focusing on the positive and the inspiring rather than feeding only the destructive to your mind. Changing your thought patterns ca
EPA Mold Remediation in Schools & Commercial Buildings
Molds are fungi that digest organic materials. They produce microscopic spores in order to multiply. Mold spores exist in the air both indoors and outdoors. Spores create health and infrastructure problems indoors when they land on wet and damp areas and begin to grow into mature mold. The United St
Natural Remedies for Fluid in the Ears
When fluid builds up in the ear, it can cause the ear, the jaw and the head to ache. Fluid in the ear can have varying causes, including a cold or sinus problems. Fluid in the ear attracts bacteria and becomes a breeding ground for more serious ear problems and infections. It is always best to seek
Chemopreventive Properties of Herbs & Spices
Some herbs and spices contain chemicals that prevent diseases.herbs and spice image by Bartlomiej Nowak from Fotolia.comHerbs (leaves) and spices (other parts of the plant) are used to enhance the flavor of foods. Some herbs and spices also contain chemicals that prevent diseases. These...
Diagnostic Imaging: Beam Me Up Dr. McCoy
We're not quite at the Star Trek level yet with imaging technology, but recent advances are fine-tuning your medical care.
The Use of Hydrogen Isotopes
Hydrogen has three isotopes, called hydrogen or protium, heavy hydrogen or deuterium, and tritium. The first two--protium and deuterium--occur in nature in detectable amounts, but the third isotope, tritium, is an unstable species produced in nuclear reactions. Owing to the tremendous mass differenc
Health Effects of Power Lines
electricity image by Jelena Voronova from Fotolia.comThe relationship between any serious health risk and living near power lines is very weak. Numerous studies have been conducted on various types of cancer and living near power lines, with only the most minuscule (and not scientifically...
How to Use Essential Oils for Health
Sometimes a certain malady that isn't too serious can be treated with a simple essential oil instead of going out and getting an expensive prescription medication. Even if you have a minor health issue that you want to clear up, you should still consult with your physician before you begin using any
OSHA Required Training Topics
OverviewAccording to the United States Department of Labor, “Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training,...
Healthy Balanced Diet Plans
A balanced diet will help you lose weight and create a lifestyle that can be maintained long after the weight is gone. Fad diets fail because they eliminate important nutrients and cut back intake drastically, causing your body to go into starvation mode so your metabolism creeps along at a snail's
Home Remedies for Inflammation
Inflammation may occur due to a number of reasons including underlying illnesses such as kidney disease or arthritis. Inflammation may also be caused by dehydration, bladder infection or the late stages of pregnancy. Sprains and strains are yet another reason for inflammation. However, relieving inf
How to Naturally Block DHT
Dihydrotestosterone, more commonly known as DHT, is an important and potent hormone within the body. DHT is a derivative of testosterone and is important to fetal development, being three times stronger than testosterone. As a person ages, the need for DHT diminishes, and for some people the DHT wil