Health & Medical Healthy Living

Healthy Balanced Diet Plans


    • Eggs, lean meats and nuts are good sources of protein

      Every cell in your body has protein. Your body uses it to repair, regrow and rebuild muscles, hair, skin, organs, cells and even fingernails. Getting enough in your diet is essential to body function, and it also gives your body the fuel it needs to burn for energy throughout the day. The tricky part is finding the right amount of protein for you. Each gram of protein has 4 calories, so they can add up quickly. If you are moderately active, recommends consuming .36 to .54 grams of protein per pound of body weight. So, if you are 150 pounds, this would mean you should consume 54 to 81 grams of protein per day. With this protein intake, you are also consuming 216 to 324 calories from protein alone.

      For weight loss, calorie intake recommendations range from 1,100 to 1,800, depending on current weight, activity levels and desired weight. Finding where you fit into the spectrum of ranges can takes some trial and error, but it's important not to get frustrated. It took a long time to gain the extra weight, so it isn't going to disappear overnight!

    Whole Grains

    • Whole grains are also important for heart health.

      Carbohydrates are not the villains that some diet fads would have you think. Of course, sugar and processed carbohydrates found in snack foods and meal replacement bars are indeed criminals robbing you of your waistline, but complex carbohydrates such as whole grains are crucial for weight loss and overall health. Whole grains from cereals, bread, rice and pasta are all high in fiber. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber, too. Fiber helps you to feel full faster, and feel satisfied longer, so you will eat less without even realizing it.

      Carbohydrates, like protein, have 4 calories per gram. Focusing on foods that have carbohydrates without extra calories from fats and sugars will help to keep your carbohydrate consumption at a helpful and healthy level.

      In order for fiber to be digested properly, reminds us to be sure to drink enough water throughout the day. Water is important for all body functions and can help your body burn calories more easily and avoid constipation from fiber consumption. If your urine is nearly clear, it's a good indication that you are staying hydrated. If it is dark yellow and has an odor, start drinking more fluids to encourage proper digestion and a quicker metabolism.

    The Right Fats

    • Avocados are high in MUFAs.

      Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs) are fats that are actually good for you. Avocados, fish, olive oil and nuts are great sources of MUFAs and should have a place in your diet. MUFAs combined in a diet with whole grains and antioxidants have been shown to decrease belly fat, lower bad cholesterol, and raise good cholesterol. Putting avocado slices on your protein-packed turkey sandwich on whole-grain bread will balance your lunch perfectly. Eat grilled salmon for dinner once a week. Use olive oil as a cooking oil to saute vegetables.

      There are lots of ways to sneak in all of these healthy items into every meal or snack and feel satisfied with smaller portions. Include these balanced foods in five to six small meals per day, and you'll begin to see the body fat disappear. Add in extra activity such as strength training to build muscles, and you'll notice an even larger boost in your metabolic rate to further encourage weight loss.

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