The Best Vegetarian Snacks
- Because vegetarians do not eat meat (and in some cases, any animal products), they need to make up for vitamins and nutrients they may be missing out on in other ways. According to the USDA, the best vegetarian snacks are those that are high in dietary essentials such as protein, vitamin B12, zinc, calcium and iron. Snacks offer vegetarians an excellent opportunity to ensure their diets are well-rounded and healthful.
- Nuts are good sources of protein, vitamin E and essential fatty acids. A small handful of nuts, though high in calories and fat, provides filling fuel. The most nutritious nuts are natural, unsalted varieties that do not contain extra oil or sodium.
- Fortified breakfast cereals contain many vitamins and nutrients that vegetarians should focus on working into their diet. Most cereals are exceptionally nutritious vegetarian snacks because they contain a healthy dose of iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin B12. However, not all cereals are created equal. Choose a low-sugar cereal that contains whole grains for best results.
- Yogurt is among the best vegetarian snacks because both the dairy and soy varieties contain a significant amount of calcium. Yogurt is also a high-protein food. The brands that contain an active culture are best because they also offer good bacteria that promote a healthy digestive tract.
- Calcium-fortified juice is a quick vegetarian snack that offers a calcium and vitamin C boost. Calcium is essential for building healthy bones and teeth and is a key nutrient that many vegetarians, particularly those who do not consume dairy, are lacking.
- Cheese is a nutritious vegetarian snack served either alone or with some whole-grain crackers or bread. The calcium- and protein-rich food can also be paired with fiber-laden fruits like apples. Because cheese is high in saturated fat, it's best to limit yourself to a one-ounce serving.
- Nut butters, particularly natural varieties that contain no added sugar, can be a quick vegetarian snack when spread on a slice of whole-grain bread or some stalks of celery. Nut butters like almond butter, peanut butter and sunflower seed butter are concentrated, filling sources of protein.
- Dried fruits, especially apricots, prunes and raisins, are exceptional sources of iron. Make sure to choose dried fruits that are not sweetened with added sugar, if possible, as they contain fewer empty calories.