Parenting : Health & Medical

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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a group of signs and symptoms that appear together and indicate a certain condition.
Does your child know all about DNA?

Does your child know all about DNA?

What a fascinating discovery DNA was! Most of us are familiar now with the double helix of DNA, but DNA was discovered long before its structure was determined. DNA was actually discovered by Friedrich Miescher in 1869. It was nearly a hundred years later - 1958 - that Crick and Watson determined th
How to Wash Breast Pump Tubing Before Use

How to Wash Breast Pump Tubing Before Use

Many nursing mothers rely on breast pumps to help them express milk. An electric or battery-powered breast pump uses clear plastic tubing to transfer the suction from the machine to the breast shields. Only air passes through the tubing. You do not have to wash breast pump tubing before you use the
A Few Things All Parents Need To Keep In Mind

A Few Things All Parents Need To Keep In Mind

Listed here are a few useful parenting tips which could be helpful for you to be a better parent.
How to Expand Language in Preschoolers

How to Expand Language in Preschoolers

Preschool-age children delight in making and repeating sounds. Engage them in colorful and entertaining story books to ignite their imagination and get them talking. Choose books with a strong, but simple storyline that has repeating phrases and inquisitive illustrations. You can't go wrong with cla
Who Are the Next Generation of Volunteers?

Who Are the Next Generation of Volunteers?

"Who are the Next Generation of Volunteers?" looks at the effects of demographic changes in our communities and the organizational culture, values and structure required to grow the next generation of volunteers. These changes are going to impact all organizations - businesses, not-for-pro
Parenting College Kids Home For the Summer

Parenting College Kids Home For the Summer

After your children have been gone away to college for the school year, there are inevitably conflicts when they come back home for the summer. Learn how you should approach parenting your college age child when they come home for the summer.
Raising Good Teenagers

Raising Good Teenagers

Have a positive view and expectations of your teenager, parent from their strengths, rather than from their flaws. Praise them twice as much as you correct them, keep a perspective on their infractions.
How to Raise Optimistic Children

How to Raise Optimistic Children

Raising children in an optimistic environment generally creates an optimistic adult able to overcome challenges and obstacles much better than one who is filled with pessimism. The question is how to raise a child with an optimistic mindset.
Did You Know Raggedy Ann and Andy Just Celebrated Their 100th Anniversary?

Did You Know Raggedy Ann and Andy Just Celebrated Their 100th Anniversary?

When I asked friends and followers to raise their hand on social media sites if they owned their own Raggedy Ann or Andy doll, within a matter of a few hours over 50 people responded by either liking the post or commenting. Amazingly in 2015, Raggedy Ann will have celebrated her 100th Anniversary.
From Children to Teens

From Children to Teens

Parenting can be one of the most rewarding times of peoples life's. Watching the little ones grow up to be older and hopefully successful is one of the high points in life. As are parent, you must make sure you always have time for your children. Play with them when they ask you to play and let
Bringing Out The Genius In You

Bringing Out The Genius In You

Gone are the days when parents decide what toys to buy when they have kids. In today's times, parents start deciding their dream profession for their kids even before the little things can start crawling. At the same time, parents are so busy working that they don't even have the time to s
Baby Reflux Symptoms

Baby Reflux Symptoms

Baby acid reflux is present in around 20% of babies before the age of nine months. The condition is caused by an underdeveloped digestive tract and almost all babies will grow out of it before ...
Sleep Training Techniques

Sleep Training Techniques

To see the importance of having a baby on a good sleep schedule, you need only look at the harried faces of tired parents. Getting your baby on a regular sleeping schedule is the key to getting yourself some solid shut-eye on a nightly basis. Sleep schedules can be introduced when your child is betw
Do I Need Outlet Plugs - Yes!

Do I Need Outlet Plugs - Yes!

Let's face it...toddlers are curious. They want to touch, grab, smell and eat everything. When they see something new they immediately want to explore it and play with it. Outlets are eye level to them and the little tiny holes look like a really cool place to stick stuff like their little prec
Parenting Semi-Adults - The Talk

Parenting Semi-Adults - The Talk

If you think The Talk is going to be about sex, remember that by definition a semi-adult is at least 18 years of age. If by age 18 you are not having an on going rapport with your child about all aspects of sexuality, either you are raising your family in one of the subcultures of American society i
The Best Washable Diapers

The Best Washable Diapers

Choosing the best type of cloth diaper is dependent on many image by Yvonne Bogdanski from Fotolia.comThe various styles of diapers can seem overwhelming at first. The needs and budget of a family are an important part of deciding what type of cloth diaper is best for them....
Emotional and Social Development, Ages 15 to 18 Years-Topic Overview

Emotional and Social Development, Ages 15 to 18 Years-Topic Overview

Older teens may seem mature at times,but they often will still have periods of childish behavior. Those who have not yet established a personal identity and sense of independence may try defining themselves through rebellious or difficult behavior. Teens learn about themselves through expanding ...
Help For Disciplining Spirited Children - Disciplining Defiant Children

Help For Disciplining Spirited Children - Disciplining Defiant Children

Many spirited children are just trying to find out how far the leash will stretch. This is why when disciplining defiant children we need to apply a lot of thought and preparation. The one main thing
Canned Bing Cherry Jam

Canned Bing Cherry Jam

Canned Bing Cherry Jam, part of a collection of family cake and dessert recipes. Any type of sweet cherry will work in this recipe for canned cherry jam.