Parenting : Health & Medical

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Firm Mattresses May Reduce SIDS

Firm Mattresses May Reduce SIDS

Soft bedding and sleeping with siblings may increase the chance for SIDS, according to a new study.
Michael Scott Ioane On Us Citizen

Michael Scott Ioane On Us Citizen

Michael Scott Ioane is clear in his belief that the Citizens of the US have been violated. Not just, privacy or taxation "" to which many would concur.
High Chair Pads For Wooden High Chair And Their Benefits

High Chair Pads For Wooden High Chair And Their Benefits

High chairs in today's high tech world are made in many different styles and colors but the one that still remains the favorite is the wooden chair. Since a young child spends many hours in this chair, it is important that they be comfortable. You can find an excellent high chair Pad on the mar
Why Gifted Children Have Homework Problems and What You Can Do About Them

Why Gifted Children Have Homework Problems and What You Can Do About Them

The last thing most parents of gifted children think their kids will have problems with is homework. Unfortunately, homework problems are among the most common problems parents have to deal with. While learning disabilities can account for some of the problems gifted children have with homework, the
Knowing The 8 Most Common Reasons Babies Cry

Knowing The 8 Most Common Reasons Babies Cry

There is always a reason for a baby's crying. If it is not one of the most common reasons, then keep moving down this list until you find the solution that helps. After a few months you will hopefully become skilled at recognizing what your baby is asking for. Then, the crying phase will eventu
Handheld Baby Monitor - Choosing the Right Baby Monitor

Handheld Baby Monitor - Choosing the Right Baby Monitor

There are many different styles of handheld baby monitors to choose from. If you are looking at purchasing one for yourself or as a gift, there are certain things that you need to consider in order to choose the most appropriate model.
Family Caregiving Relationships

Family Caregiving Relationships

You have to empower your caregiver to stop a situation that he or she can't tolerate, such as throwing food on the floor. But also make sure your caregiver understands that you don't expect your child to be a saint.
Is My Teen in Need of Outside Intervention?

Is My Teen in Need of Outside Intervention?

Boot Camp for Teens may seem like an odd topic for those who have never seen a talk show or picked up certain periodicals at the grocery store.And it is a fairly new concept.The concept is about ten years old but surely the concept in action will exist for at least another decade or two.The teens ca
How an Acupuncture Point Diagram Helps Diagonize Disease

How an Acupuncture Point Diagram Helps Diagonize Disease

Acupuncture was discovered in ancient China more than 3000 years ago. This technique actually involves penetrating thin metallic needles into skin by the hands or with help of electric stimulation.
Should Parents Spy on Their Kids?

Should Parents Spy on Their Kids?

When we hear of parents spying on their kids, most of the time it relates to their virtual world, and rightly so. With so much technology and how easy it is to share private information, it's a parent's job to know what their kids are doing online, on their cell phones, cameras, or any oth
Why You Should Attend Back-to-School Night

Why You Should Attend Back-to-School Night

Back-to-School Nights aren't meant to be social mixers where have lots of time to talk with the teacher and with other parents. However, there are some very good reasons to attend.
Baby Showers - When is the Right Time to Hold One?

Baby Showers - When is the Right Time to Hold One?

Baby showers are a great time to not only come together and give gifts to the new mother-to-be, but they are also a nice way for friends and family to come together and put on a celebration as well. One of the most common questions on many people's minds is when exactly is the right time to thr
Think About The Future

Think About The Future

Having a baby is a challenge for the family. Especially when you are first time parents, everything in your life needs a lot of adjustments. From the social life to your finances, everything will adjust. On money matters, parents will need some game plans to make the challenge easier for both of you
How Much Achievement is Good Enough for Your Children?

How Much Achievement is Good Enough for Your Children?

Soccer moms - yikes !As soon as I say that, it conjures up an image of a hyper-competitive mom, racing around in her minivan from one practice to another and yelling at the coaches if her kids don't play enough.We live in a very competitive world.
You Can Help Your Tween Achieve School Success

You Can Help Your Tween Achieve School Success

It doesn't matter if your tween is in elementary school or headed to middle school, school success can be a reality.
Baby Furniture Cribs - What You Must Look For

Baby Furniture Cribs - What You Must Look For

Congratulations on your pregnancy; surely you are excited. At least for the most part you're excited. Pregnancy can be filled with mixed emotions.
Madison Ann

Madison Ann

Thanks so much to these parents for submitting pictures of their children for the parenting babies and toddlers photo gallery.
Bad Parenting Days Need a Positive Tool

Bad Parenting Days Need a Positive Tool

A child's bad day is tough on parents. You'll likely be upset a good portion of that day. Remember that if you're doing the right thing and your child is determined to resist then you're working to break down the stubbornness in the child's heart. Don't take your emotio
Foster Parenting - Three Tips for Foster Parents

Foster Parenting - Three Tips for Foster Parents

Foster parenting is a challenging, yet rewarding job. This article offers tips to help parents understand the unique needs of their foster child, so they can create a relationship based on love and trust.