Health & Medical Parenting

Did You Know Raggedy Ann and Andy Just Celebrated Their 100th Anniversary?

When I asked friends and followers to raise their hand on social media sites if they owned their own Raggedy Ann or Andy doll, within a matter of a few hours over 50 people responded by either liking the post or commenting. In a conversation shortly after with my mother, she told me the story of how I received my first Raggedy Ann doll on Valentine's Day from my father. Another friend recently purchased the dolls for her 3-year-oid during the holidays, while many friends stated that even after 35+ years they were fairly certain their personal Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls were packed away somewhere safe.

Classic yet nostalgic.

In 2015, Raggedy Ann will have celebrated her 100th Anniversary. In an age where there are thousands of new toys released I was stunned that I had been so distracted by everything sparkly, shiny and new that I almost overlooked such a remarkable milestone.  

Johnny Gruelle created Raggedy Ann and Andy and stated, "Fairyland must be filled with rag dolls, soft loppy rag dolls who go through all the beautiful adventures found there nestling in the crook of a dimpled arm."  Original Raggedy Ann dolls were handmade, and featured in a variety of books, animated shows and even served as the basis for a Broadway show.

Aurora has been working in conjunction with Hasbro to design Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls since 2012. Dolls range in sizes from 7-36 inches. Completely different than most modern baby dolls, the 100th Anniversary dolls include the "Stars and Stripes" special edition dolls that include signature red yarn hair, embroidered fabrics and detailed faces with button eyes maintaining the traditional look and feel of Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls of yesteryear.

Michael Kessler, VP of Sales at Aurora stated, "The Stars and Stripes dolls celebrate the goodwill, kindness and compassion that the Raggedy Ann doll creator Johnny Gruelle envisioned for the people of our nation."

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