Health & Medical Parenting

The Best Washable Diapers


    • Flats are the most economical choice in cloth diapering. Each one is a single-layer piece of fabric, usually cotton, although hemp is also used. When using flats, folding and pinning are required. They generally should be used with a diaper cover. One benefit of flats is that they dry faster than other types of cloth diapers.


    • Prefolds are similar to flats in that they are made of flat pieces of fabric that require pinning, folding and a diaper cover. However, prefolds provide additional absorbency compared to flats, as the center part is made with extra layers. Prefolds come in 2X4X2, 4X6X4 and 4X8X4; these numbers tell how many layers the diaper is made with. For example, a 4X6X4 diaper has four layers of fabric on the right and left sides and six layers down the middle. A diaper made of more layers is more absorbent and bulkier. Generally, newborns and younger babies can wear diapers with fewer layers. Prefolds are popular because they are economical and absorbent.


    • Fitted diapers should also be used with a cover but require no folding or pinning. More convenient to put on a squirmy baby, they generally have elastic around the waist and legs and are made to simply slip on. They are somewhat more costly than flats and prefolds.


    • Various types of waterproof covers are used with flats, prefolds and fitteds. Many come in various sizes, although some of the most popular and economic covers are one-size and two-size. These feature an extra row or two of snaps across the top front so that the rise can be lowered or raised and have snaps or hook-and-loop tape across the front so that the waist is adjustable. Economical and versatile, one-size covers can be adjusted from a newborn size to toddler size. Two-size covers come in a size made for smaller babies and another for larger babies and toddlers, so parents only have to buy two sizes while their child is in diapers. Often, manufacturers offer one style of diaper cover in your choice of either snaps or hook-and-loop closure. The benefit of the hook-and-loop option is that it makes adjustment on a wriggly baby easier; however, this type of closure wears more quickly from regular use and washing than the snap variety.

    All-in-One Diapers

    • All-in-one diapers are unlike the others mentioned, because they do not require any pinning or folding or an additional cover. They are made to function like a disposable diaper, so they are more convenient than other options. They are also pricier and can be more difficult to clean properly in the wash.

    Pocket and All-in-Two Diapers

    • These are similar to all-in-one diapers because they do not require folding or pinning or an additional cover, and they are made to function like a disposable. The added benefit is that they are easier to effectively launder. The pocket diaper has a pouch where an absorbent insert is slipped inside. The all-in-two diaper is similar, but the absorbent padding is usually snapped inside the diaper. Both of these options are popular choices because they are the most convenient and are easy to wash. However, they are usually the least economical options.

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