Health & Medical Parenting

How to Raise Optimistic Children

    • 1). Show your children lots of affection. Studies show that children who are shown lots of affection at an early age are able to self-soothe, or calm themselves, in difficult situations better than those who aren't. Giving hugs and pats on the back from time to time are an essential part of raising an optimistic child.

    • 2). Give them praise when it is deserved. Seventy percent of a child's personality, and thus his self-image, is formed by the age of 7. So you should praise your child early on. Realize that even slight criticisms at an early age can do a lot to damage your child's self-esteem, so as author Dale Carnegie says: praise lavishly.

    • 3). Teach your child how to meditate. Meditation has been shown to have many positive affects on the body and mind. Some of these include stress relief, more self-confidence, and better relationships. A simple way to meditate is by having your child close her eyes and count her breaths. Have her do this for five minutes at a time and slowly build up to 10-to-15 minutes. Another good method is to use a tool called the NeuroProgrammer, which uses binaural beats and brain entrainment, to help overcome negative habits and thought patterns.

    • 4). Don't compare your children to others. This can be a difficult thing to do, but comparing your child to others shows that his self-worth is relative to that of another. Accepting your children for who they are is part of the learning process for the parent and will help your children become more socially intelligent.

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