Baby Reflux Symptoms
Baby acid reflux is present in around 20% of babies before the age of nine months. The condition is caused by an underdeveloped digestive tract and almost all babies will grow out of it before their first birthday. By knowing the baby reflux symptoms, a parent can watch and assess the baby to see if an appointment should be scheduled with the child's paediatrician. Every parent knows their child better than anyone and so if you feel something is wrong then you should trust your instincts and have the child examined by their physician. Obtaining a medical diagnosis can sometimes be difficult as the doctor will only see your baby for a very short period of time, you can help ensure a quick and correct diagnosis by taking a list of symptoms which you feel are present in your child with you.
The most common of all the baby reflux symptoms is the frequent spit up or swallowing with a painful look on the face. All babies spit up to some degree and this is nothing to be concerned about. However, if a child is spitting up in excessive volumes after every feeding acid reflux might be the problem.
Excessive fussiness, crying, or colic are all other symptoms of baby acid reflux. The child will cry in pain because of the discomfort reflux causes which can be frustrating to parent, particularly a new parent, who can't figure out why their baby is crying.
Other ways to tell if a newborn maybe suffering from baby reflux is to look out for constant coughing or frequent episodes of hiccups. Other baby reflux symptoms have to do with sleeping habits. If a infant has a hard time staying asleep during day time or night time this could be a sign of reflux. Also continuous movement while sleeping or a constant need to be held may show the need to have the infant examined by a doctor or paediatrician.
When an infant has severe baby acid reflux they may projectile vomit with the vomit sometimes even coming out the nasal cavity. This will lead to poor weight gain or rapid weight loss in a child because they are not able to keep their food down long enough for their body to process it. Knowing the baby reflux symptoms can help a parent be on the look out for a problem if it arises. If concerns or questions arise the parent should call the infant's pediatrician. A paediatrician can test to make sure the symptoms are being caused by baby reflux and prescribe the best medication to treat the infant's condition.
The most common of all the baby reflux symptoms is the frequent spit up or swallowing with a painful look on the face. All babies spit up to some degree and this is nothing to be concerned about. However, if a child is spitting up in excessive volumes after every feeding acid reflux might be the problem.
Excessive fussiness, crying, or colic are all other symptoms of baby acid reflux. The child will cry in pain because of the discomfort reflux causes which can be frustrating to parent, particularly a new parent, who can't figure out why their baby is crying.
Other ways to tell if a newborn maybe suffering from baby reflux is to look out for constant coughing or frequent episodes of hiccups. Other baby reflux symptoms have to do with sleeping habits. If a infant has a hard time staying asleep during day time or night time this could be a sign of reflux. Also continuous movement while sleeping or a constant need to be held may show the need to have the infant examined by a doctor or paediatrician.
When an infant has severe baby acid reflux they may projectile vomit with the vomit sometimes even coming out the nasal cavity. This will lead to poor weight gain or rapid weight loss in a child because they are not able to keep their food down long enough for their body to process it. Knowing the baby reflux symptoms can help a parent be on the look out for a problem if it arises. If concerns or questions arise the parent should call the infant's pediatrician. A paediatrician can test to make sure the symptoms are being caused by baby reflux and prescribe the best medication to treat the infant's condition.