Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Cure Sunflower Seeds

    • 1). Punch several holes in a lightweight paper bag. Wrap the bag around the sunflower head once it has fully opened. Tie the bag closed with a piece of string at the bottom near the stem top.

    • 2). Cover the sunflower head with the bag until it dries and appears brown with no green color left.

    • 3). Cut the sunflower head off the stem with a pair of sharp garden shears. Leave about a foot of stem attached to the head.

    • 4). Hang the head upside down in a dry, well-ventilated area such as a garage or basement to finish drying.

    • 5). Brush the seeds out of the flower head with a stiff brush or rub them out with your fingers. Seeds should feel dry. If any seeds feel moist, spread them out on a piece of newspaper to dry. Seeds are ready when they feel brittle and crack when you place them between your teeth.

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