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DIY Gothic Gift Wrapping

    • 1). Place the crow cutouts on the paper. Depending on the size of your paper, you can have between 12 and 20 cutouts. Space them randomly on the paper as far apart or close together as you like.

    • 2). Drag the glue stick over the paper. Cover as much of the paper as possible paying close attention to the crows. You want glue around the cutouts, but not under them as you'll need to remove them later.

    • 3). Sprinkle glitter around the crows. Remove the crow cutouts and shake any excess glitter off the paper.

    • 4). Outline the crow silhouettes with the silver metallic pen.

    • 5). Wrap your present. Add a sheer black, purple or silver organza ribbon to complete the wrapping. You can even use one of the crow cutouts as a gift tag.

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