Five Tips to Recruit an Army of Salespeople and Customers by Delivering a Great Self-Introduction
Every once in a while we are wowed by a great commercial on television.
Usually it first airs during the Super Bowl.
The next day everyone is talking about the great and not-so-great commercials.
The ones that wow the audience get additional airtime and the ones that miss the mark fade away.
What can we learn from these commercials that can help us in our marketing, sales, and networking efforts?Plenty.
Here are five keys to a great self-introduction, elevator speech, or commercial.
First, remember that the purpose of this message is to get others to remember you.
The likelihood that someone will remember all the things you do and how you do them is quite remote.
Therefore you should concentrate on things that will make you memorable.
Begin with something unexpected.
Consider beginning with a question that you know will engage the audience.
Focusing on the audience ensures you will be memorable.
Second, remember that being memorable means that you must stand out in the crowd.
Most people don't know what they are going to say when they meet someone new or stand up to deliver a self-introduction at a networking event.
To stand out in the crowd you must be able to recite your self-introduction at a moments notice.
It should be so much a part of you that if you were awakened in the middle of the night you could recite it word for word.
You don't think those masterful commercials were done on the first take do you?They use professional writers, videographers, directors and actors who may shoot hours of film to get the perfect thirty seconds.
Third, take a tip from Madison Avenue.
For years some of the best advertising and marketing firms have been located on Madison Avenue.
What do the professionals do to make messages memorable?They make things larger than life.
They focus on the strengths of the product or service they are promoting.
They tell a compelling story with words, pictures and props that make us want to be a part of the story.
They play to their strengths.
You should too.
Your strengths are the things that make you different than your competition and matter to the potential client.
Fourth, remember that you cannot be all things to all people.
When you tell others who the perfect client is for you, avoid using the words "anyone" or "anybody".
Our minds do not have the ability to process all the people we know and therefore we become confused.
A confused mind is a mind that shuts down.
Keep us thinking about you and for you by giving us a frame of reference.
If you sell to consumers you might ask people, "Who do you go to church with that needs what I sell?"Business to business marketers might say, "If you call on companies with more than ten computers, we should get together and see how we can help each other.
" Fifth, have a great close that people will remember.
Allstate always uses a play on "Your in good hands with Allstate".
What is your tag line?What memorable message can you leave people with?This message should be something easily remembered that identifies the key benefit of working with you.
After all, you want everyone remembering you when they hear someone say they need your product or service.
Taking care to craft an excellent self-introduction will ensure that your message will be remembered.
And being remembered is what your message is all about.
If your message wows the audience, it will get additional airtime.
You will have an army of dedicated salespeople sharing your message if you will follow these five tips.
Usually it first airs during the Super Bowl.
The next day everyone is talking about the great and not-so-great commercials.
The ones that wow the audience get additional airtime and the ones that miss the mark fade away.
What can we learn from these commercials that can help us in our marketing, sales, and networking efforts?Plenty.
Here are five keys to a great self-introduction, elevator speech, or commercial.
First, remember that the purpose of this message is to get others to remember you.
The likelihood that someone will remember all the things you do and how you do them is quite remote.
Therefore you should concentrate on things that will make you memorable.
Begin with something unexpected.
Consider beginning with a question that you know will engage the audience.
Focusing on the audience ensures you will be memorable.
Second, remember that being memorable means that you must stand out in the crowd.
Most people don't know what they are going to say when they meet someone new or stand up to deliver a self-introduction at a networking event.
To stand out in the crowd you must be able to recite your self-introduction at a moments notice.
It should be so much a part of you that if you were awakened in the middle of the night you could recite it word for word.
You don't think those masterful commercials were done on the first take do you?They use professional writers, videographers, directors and actors who may shoot hours of film to get the perfect thirty seconds.
Third, take a tip from Madison Avenue.
For years some of the best advertising and marketing firms have been located on Madison Avenue.
What do the professionals do to make messages memorable?They make things larger than life.
They focus on the strengths of the product or service they are promoting.
They tell a compelling story with words, pictures and props that make us want to be a part of the story.
They play to their strengths.
You should too.
Your strengths are the things that make you different than your competition and matter to the potential client.
Fourth, remember that you cannot be all things to all people.
When you tell others who the perfect client is for you, avoid using the words "anyone" or "anybody".
Our minds do not have the ability to process all the people we know and therefore we become confused.
A confused mind is a mind that shuts down.
Keep us thinking about you and for you by giving us a frame of reference.
If you sell to consumers you might ask people, "Who do you go to church with that needs what I sell?"Business to business marketers might say, "If you call on companies with more than ten computers, we should get together and see how we can help each other.
" Fifth, have a great close that people will remember.
Allstate always uses a play on "Your in good hands with Allstate".
What is your tag line?What memorable message can you leave people with?This message should be something easily remembered that identifies the key benefit of working with you.
After all, you want everyone remembering you when they hear someone say they need your product or service.
Taking care to craft an excellent self-introduction will ensure that your message will be remembered.
And being remembered is what your message is all about.
If your message wows the audience, it will get additional airtime.
You will have an army of dedicated salespeople sharing your message if you will follow these five tips.