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How to Reinstall Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

    • 1). Navigate to Microsoft's support site. Download the Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Express Install for End Users package. Save the file to the desktop.

    • 2). Double-click the file "SP4express_EN.exe" on the desktop when the computer finishes downloading.

    • 3). Click "Next" when the Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Setup Wizard appears.

    • 4). Examine the license agreement for Windows 2000 Service Pack 4. Click the "I Agree" radio button, and then click "Next."

    • 5). Click the "Archive Files" radio button if you would like to have the ability to remove Service Pack 4 from your computer later. Note that this option requires a large amount of free hard drive space. Click "Next." The setup wizard begins downloading the components of Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 from the Internet and updating your computer.

    • 6). Click the "Finish" button to restart the computer after Windows 2000 finishes installing Service Pack 4.

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