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DC Universe Online Razer Guide Review

Razer Guide's DCUO Online Mastery Guide is what gaming is all about. A dedicated team of professional gamers have compiled all there is to know and do regarding DCUO, and let me be the first to tell you...It's anything but fluff. There isn't one bit of erroneous information contained within this guide. Whether you're looking for the most efficient way to reach the level cap, or the best way to eliminate all of the PVP competition, this guide will be there to aid you every step of the way. Before I got the guide, I rushed into DCUO thinking that it was relatively simple-- beat down baddies, earn experience, buy equipment, etc...But I soon found myself getting taken to the cleaners by most of the NPCS, and even some of the players. I had been playing for 2 weeks and I was only level 18; I knew something wasn't right. I played really well, but my damage output was poor; not to mention that the combination of powers I'd selected didn't mesh very well. I also got lost a couple of times looking for new missions and cities; wasting valuable leveling time. I knew I had to make a change.

When I found out about Razor Guide's DCUO Complete Mastery Guide, I was enthralled. The download was instant and the guide was a very reasonable price-- just $37.00. I instantly created a new character to commemorate my purchase. I followed the outline for character creation closely, and soon I was through the tutorial and flying through the skies of Gotham City. I knew I made the right decision when I was sweeping the competition like a super-powered janitor at a dirty stadium. Anyone who challenged me in PVP met their end swiftly. Not to mention I was level 23 within a matter of 5 days. There's a ton of screen shots in the guide so I never got lost anymore due to the confusing city layouts. Razer Guide's DCUO Mastery Guide even has all the quests listed for every mentor, as well as a huge compilation of things to do once you hit level 30. I would go so far as to call it the DC Universe Online Bible. It actually takes conscious effort in order to lose if you're following the guide correctly. The only time I've ever died was when 4 players decided to gang up on me in PVP, Even though 3 of them died in the process.

If you want to be sure you're not building a "Super-powered-dud" I wholeheartedly recommend this guide.

Thinking you need a little more info? Go ahead and read the other part of this review at my blog

You can find the post here:

Or if you're ready to climb to the top of the servers, you can check out the guide here:

Happy Heroics! (or villainy, take your pick)

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