Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Methods to Teach Your Puppy How to Potty

It is very exciting to bring home a puppy, however it soon becomes evident that teaching the new addition that the house is not his potty must be attended to right away.
There are a number of theories about how to accomplish dog training NY, but the following method of dog training NJ seem to provide very good results, However, the pet owner must be committed to closely monitoring their new pet to avoid accidents and be consistent.
First, you'll need a crate of good quality that is the appropriate size for the puppy, safe, and comfortable.
Or if you prefer, a small pen can be set up for his bed, water and toys.
It is up to you to select the place outside where the puppy should do his business.
Keep the puppy in his crate or pen area at all times while you are occupied around the house.
Your puppy must not be allowed to run freely about the house early on.
Once every hour, carry your puppy (or walk on a leash) outside directly to the chosen toilet area.
Once you arrive at the designated area, walk back and forth while at the same time saying a cue word or command your dog will associate with the act of going to the bathroom.
Something like "go potty" or some other word or short phrase will work as long as you always use the same command.
If puppy does eliminate, keep repeating the cue words and then praise and reward him with a small treat as soon as he finishes going potty.
Be very obvious with your happiness toward him so he clearly understands he was a good boy.
If he is still not ready to go to the bathroom after you've walked around him for 3 or 4 minutes, then return him to his crate or pen and try repeating the process again in about 20 minutes.
Immediately following a successful trip outside, allow the puppy some supervised play time.
Have fun playing with him but afterward he should be put back in his crate or pen.
Stick with the hourly schedule and soon your puppy will adopt good habits.
Young puppies aren't physically able to hold it all night, so before you go to bed, do not feed your puppy and remove his water bowl.
You will most likely have to get up twice during the night to take puppy to the potty area the same as during the day.
And, remember to put his water back as soon as you awake in the morning.
Not only will you need to keep up with the potty routine every hour, but it is also essential to take your puppy outside following every meal because most often he will have to go about 15 minutes after eating.
If you follow this process consistently, you can expect to have positive results fairly quickly and both you and puppy will be able to enjoy your time together without any of the negative effects of yelling or punishing.

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