Health & Medical Self-Improvement

A Visit to Another Dimension

At one time, my normal Saturday morning activity was riding my motorcycle.
There is nothing quite like jumping on a cycle and riding through the countryside with the wind blowing past you.
I know many won't want to hear this, but riding without a helmet is one of the most liberating feelings there is.
Putting on a helmet does distinguish the mood, and isn't nearly as much fun.
My opinion always has been, if you hit a tree at sixty miles an hour, it doesn't matter if you have a helmet on or not.
On this particular Saturday morning, I happened to be riding south of Highway 421 on the Michigan Road, approaching New Marion, Indiana.
It was a bright sunny day, and as I crossed Otter Creek and drove up the hill approaching the small village, I couldn't help but remember an event that took place several years ago when I was just out of high school.
On a Saturday evening and as we drove past the New Marion Baptist Church Cemetery, I experienced some missing time.
I was to later recall that as we drove past the cemetery, the sun was setting in the west.
Suddenly I observed a large craft above us.
It seemed to be as large as a football field and rectangular in shape.
As time wen on our car with us in it was drawn into the space craft, where we observed many aliens inside.
We were taken to a crystal city at the north pole and many truths were explained to us.
We understood at the time we would not remember until much later at the proper time.
Things would be revealed to us on a need to know basis.
It was several years before I fully comprehended what had happened.
At the time it was confusing, I had no idea how I drove to where I once again began to consciously remember, I had no memory of &making a left turn onto another road and driving on.
Ignoring it, I went on with life, as most people often do when something they don't really understand comes their way.
Later in life I began to understand how alien abduction actually works.
Each time seems to be a little different, but in this particular instance, as we arose and entered the spacecraft, our life continued on the earth plane, thus we traveled down the road for a few miles.
This isn't always the case, many times physical life stands still.
I believe that since my friend who was with me experienced nothing, our physical reality needed to continue while we were gone.
During this time we were each experiencing different realities, both unaware of the other.
I have been lead to believe this because the same thing has happened at different times in my life.
It is frustrating, because when these things happen to only one person, it is hard to prove or substantiate.
Few people will believe you if a close acquaintance sees or feels nothing.

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