Understanding Alimony - What You Need to Know About Alimony
Alimony is not to be confused with child support.
The difference is child support is for the needs of the children.
Alimony is usually paid when a couple has been married for a period of time and one or the other is the main source of income.
The other may be a stay at home mom or dad.
They are contributing by taking care of the home and the children, but are not out in the business world getting a regular paycheck.
The object of alimony is to help the partner that has been out of the typical work force for a period of time to get on their feet so they can become self-supporting.
The mother who has stayed at home for fifteen years taking care of the children and the household does not have the skills to jump into a job that will support her.
The purpose of alimony is to give her the time to get her life in order so she can make the kind of money she needs to make to be able to afford a home and all the financial responsibilities that are required.
This allows both the husband and wife to leave the marriage on more equal terms.
One does not have to suddenly be thrust into poverty after having spent years contributing in a way that was not compensated monetarily.
Sometimes a court will order temporary alimony until the final divorce judgment is entered.
This will be adjusted when the divorce is final and all the assets and legal matters have been addressed.
Sometimes there will be a lump sum payment to one or the other of the marriage partners.
This is a one time payment that puts both parties on equal footing when the marriage is over.
If a judge orders a permanent alimony arrangement this will stay in effect until one or the other of the broken marriage either dies or if the receiver of the alimony remarries.
The rules of alimony payments are usually up to the judge of the state in which you reside.
Some states have different laws about what can and cannot be done.
This is even more complicated if the divorcing couple has children.
This is why there is child support which will take care of the children of the couple.
The origins of alimony began when it was rare to hear of a couple divorcing.
Typically the man responsibility to support his family was the reasoning behind spousal support.
Even if the couple could not live together and one moved to separate housing, the obligation was still such that the husband had to pay the bills for the wife.
The reasoning behind this was they were still married even though they might be living in separate households.
Usually it is the husband who pays alimony but it can be the wife if a judge decides this is to happen.
Anyone can ask for the support but the judge has the final say of whether it is granted or not.
The difference is child support is for the needs of the children.
Alimony is usually paid when a couple has been married for a period of time and one or the other is the main source of income.
The other may be a stay at home mom or dad.
They are contributing by taking care of the home and the children, but are not out in the business world getting a regular paycheck.
The object of alimony is to help the partner that has been out of the typical work force for a period of time to get on their feet so they can become self-supporting.
The mother who has stayed at home for fifteen years taking care of the children and the household does not have the skills to jump into a job that will support her.
The purpose of alimony is to give her the time to get her life in order so she can make the kind of money she needs to make to be able to afford a home and all the financial responsibilities that are required.
This allows both the husband and wife to leave the marriage on more equal terms.
One does not have to suddenly be thrust into poverty after having spent years contributing in a way that was not compensated monetarily.
Sometimes a court will order temporary alimony until the final divorce judgment is entered.
This will be adjusted when the divorce is final and all the assets and legal matters have been addressed.
Sometimes there will be a lump sum payment to one or the other of the marriage partners.
This is a one time payment that puts both parties on equal footing when the marriage is over.
If a judge orders a permanent alimony arrangement this will stay in effect until one or the other of the broken marriage either dies or if the receiver of the alimony remarries.
The rules of alimony payments are usually up to the judge of the state in which you reside.
Some states have different laws about what can and cannot be done.
This is even more complicated if the divorcing couple has children.
This is why there is child support which will take care of the children of the couple.
The origins of alimony began when it was rare to hear of a couple divorcing.
Typically the man responsibility to support his family was the reasoning behind spousal support.
Even if the couple could not live together and one moved to separate housing, the obligation was still such that the husband had to pay the bills for the wife.
The reasoning behind this was they were still married even though they might be living in separate households.
Usually it is the husband who pays alimony but it can be the wife if a judge decides this is to happen.
Anyone can ask for the support but the judge has the final say of whether it is granted or not.