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How to Catch Misdreavus in "Pearl"

    • 1). Purchase at least 10 Pokeballs. You can find them at any store in any town in the game.

    • 2). Travel to Eterna Forest, located along Route 205. Time your hike so you arrive in the forest at night.

    • 3). Wander around the forest until you get into a fight. You have a one-in-five chance of encountering a Misdreavus. If it's not a Misdreavus, deal with the Pokemon as you wish and then continue looking for your query.

    • 4). Attack the Misdreavus until its health bar turns yellow or red. Weakening the Pokemon improves your odds of catching it.

    • 5). Throw Pokeballs at the Misdreavus until you've captured it.

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