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How to Host a Sauna Party

Traditionally, the family sauna was a way your whole family could enjoy the healing properties of the classical sauna bath.
But this pleasure has now been extended from the family circle to your network of friends, through the advent of the Sauna Party.
The Sauna Party is a deceptively simple idea.
It's a happy and fun way to unwind and relax with your closest friends.
If you are planning on hosting a Sauna Party, follow these simple tips and you will be assured of a successful - and somewhat unusual - party.
Be sure to inform your friends that they need to bring their own bathing suits.
That said, the chances are that some will forget, so be sure to have a few spare clean male and female bathing suits available for your guests.
Saunas present very few health risks - in fact, they are generally considered to have beneficial healing properties.
However, the sauna may present a risk health to some types of people.
Most notably, pregnant women and those suffering from high blood pressure.
So, be sure to inform these people of the risks - however minor.
Read saunafactsheet.
com for other potential health risks.
Saunas do have a dehydrating effect on the human body.
Make sure that there is plenty of clean, fresh water to drink.
Don't serve alcohol during the event, as this is also a dehydrating agent.
But after your guests leave the sauna, there is nothing wrong with enjoying a beer or two! Finally, make sure that you have adequate showering and changing room facilities so that your guests can clean-up and prepare for the second half of the party.
Of course, the second half of the party has all the features of a regular party:tasty food, good music, some alcohol, and warm hospitability.
Follow these simple guidelines, and you will host the most memorable and unusual party!

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