Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

The Danger of Forklifts

    Unstable Forklifts

    • Driving a forklift when a load is too heavy or the forks are held too high or low can cause it to tip over. A forklift tipping over can cause the operator or a coworker to become pinned down or injured.

    Adequate Speed and Distance

    • When you drive a forklift too fast, you may not be able to brake in time, causing it to crash into someone or something. When at a speed of 3 miles per hour, for example, the stopping distance for a forklift is typically 8.2 feet.

    Soft Tissue Injury

    • Repetitive motion requiring the forklift operator to constantly look up or back over his shoulder can cause strains and sprains. Additionally, driving over uneven surfaces and sitting in a bad position can also cause this ailment.

    Proper Use

    • It's important to never stand on the forks without a cage, as it could result in a dangerous fall. Be aware of everyone around you, and do not overload or improperly load the forklift.

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