A Day in the Life of Living Consciously
Have you ever wondered what it would look like if you lived a conscious life (Mindful in every way), well here's an example.
You awake after a restful nights sleep, alive and energized, instantly aware of the air entering your lungs gently and then exiting.
Everything around you feels fresh and alive and you appreciate it all.
Thoughts of the day ahead pop in but you let them pass through, as the present moment is all that matters.
You go to the bathroom, noticing each step you take and are aware of your posture as you walk all the while you maintain a part of your attention on your breath and you feel at peace and one with all.
Then as part of taking care of your body, you: ·Get dressed and go for a gentle but brisk walk ·Clean your body through showering and grooming ·Spend some time in silence, meditating ·Eat a nutritious breakfast that includes fresh seasonal fruit You do this because you respect and appreciate your body for the vehicle that it is and you want it to keep serving you well.
You then set about your day, being aware of any appointments you have and allow yourself ample time to arrive at your destinations.
When you arrive you are calm, relaxed and still have awareness on the breath (you have not spent time worrying about how the meeting will go).
You are present, here and now and you allow whatever shows up to be as it is, there is no struggle or wanting anything to be different than as it is.
When you meet with people, you look into their eyes and actively listen to them, never interrupting them or allow thoughts to distract you, a part of your awareness is on your breath and the majority of it is on the one you are listening to.
When it is time to speak, you say whatever is there to be said in the moment, with love and clarity.
You're no ones victim and you do everything from a place of love and peace.
When the meeting is over, you let it go, knowing that everything that needed to be taken care of has been, through direct actions.
You remain with the breath and the way you feel remains the same, at peace and calm, you are like a deep ocean, your core doesn't change, it remains still and present in all circumstances.
When your body is hungry, you eat nutritious food again, eating consciously, savoring the flavors, knowing where the food has come from and feeling good about it.
You never rush and you never worry but you always have awareness of this present moment.
When action is needed you take it, knowing that whatever flows from that action will be fine.
In the evening, you plan for the next day to get clear about what is there to do, when done, you let go of thinking about tomorrow and trust that everything will be taken care of when the moment comes.
When your body is tired you go to sleep, knowing that nothing has been left undone, you are at peace and allow yourself to rest peacefully without any concern for what tomorrow may bring.
All is well and you remain unchanged.
Ok, so most of us don't live this way, but what's implied here is that you have the clarity and awareness to put systems in place so that you do take care of whatever responsibilities you may have and you trust that those systems take care of you so that you don't need to worry.
You're then free to rest in the present moment.
It takes practice but it is possible to live life without worrying about the next moment constantly.
Usually, we worry because we are addicted to it, but that's a topic for another article.
You awake after a restful nights sleep, alive and energized, instantly aware of the air entering your lungs gently and then exiting.
Everything around you feels fresh and alive and you appreciate it all.
Thoughts of the day ahead pop in but you let them pass through, as the present moment is all that matters.
You go to the bathroom, noticing each step you take and are aware of your posture as you walk all the while you maintain a part of your attention on your breath and you feel at peace and one with all.
Then as part of taking care of your body, you: ·Get dressed and go for a gentle but brisk walk ·Clean your body through showering and grooming ·Spend some time in silence, meditating ·Eat a nutritious breakfast that includes fresh seasonal fruit You do this because you respect and appreciate your body for the vehicle that it is and you want it to keep serving you well.
You then set about your day, being aware of any appointments you have and allow yourself ample time to arrive at your destinations.
When you arrive you are calm, relaxed and still have awareness on the breath (you have not spent time worrying about how the meeting will go).
You are present, here and now and you allow whatever shows up to be as it is, there is no struggle or wanting anything to be different than as it is.
When you meet with people, you look into their eyes and actively listen to them, never interrupting them or allow thoughts to distract you, a part of your awareness is on your breath and the majority of it is on the one you are listening to.
When it is time to speak, you say whatever is there to be said in the moment, with love and clarity.
You're no ones victim and you do everything from a place of love and peace.
When the meeting is over, you let it go, knowing that everything that needed to be taken care of has been, through direct actions.
You remain with the breath and the way you feel remains the same, at peace and calm, you are like a deep ocean, your core doesn't change, it remains still and present in all circumstances.
When your body is hungry, you eat nutritious food again, eating consciously, savoring the flavors, knowing where the food has come from and feeling good about it.
You never rush and you never worry but you always have awareness of this present moment.
When action is needed you take it, knowing that whatever flows from that action will be fine.
In the evening, you plan for the next day to get clear about what is there to do, when done, you let go of thinking about tomorrow and trust that everything will be taken care of when the moment comes.
When your body is tired you go to sleep, knowing that nothing has been left undone, you are at peace and allow yourself to rest peacefully without any concern for what tomorrow may bring.
All is well and you remain unchanged.
Ok, so most of us don't live this way, but what's implied here is that you have the clarity and awareness to put systems in place so that you do take care of whatever responsibilities you may have and you trust that those systems take care of you so that you don't need to worry.
You're then free to rest in the present moment.
It takes practice but it is possible to live life without worrying about the next moment constantly.
Usually, we worry because we are addicted to it, but that's a topic for another article.