Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Evolved Woman

"Every generation needs a new revolution.
" Thomas Jefferson Today, she has the art of being all things to 'everyone in her family' and yet wears a loving smile.
She has the art of being all things to 'everyone in her family' and yet looks elegant with a nice make-up.
She, who grappled with daily hardships, developed skills and scaled her ambition and achieved what she dreamed of.
She, who faced failures in the process but her ceaseless walk to reach the acme of success,brought monumental achievement in the face of her ongoing emotional, cultural and physical barriers.
I propose and you second it that she is not only beautiful she is the most successful people in today's society.
She is the evolved woman.
What we heard of with a raised eyebrow and met with a woman of by-gone era was merely a life partner.
Even or odd she lived within her cocoon.
Or one can say that she had set her limits of her own accord.
Time changed and the woman evolved.
This is the woman of today.
You are one of these.
Rather 'I am one of you.
This is a life-style woman.
She is the city woman.
She is the working woman and she is the single woman.
From a life of drudgery, she has moved to a new arrangement of things.
Due to the ever demanding economic compulsions and accelerated cost of living, she along with the traditional roles is now a co-earner.
She has adapted to challenging tasks with aplomb.
She exited the home and entered the work force.
She could beat hard deadlines in work place and also resort to pressing matters and yet harmonized the duties of a wife, a mother, and a career woman.
She earned acknowledgement from family and society.
She proved her capabilities besides being just a cook, a house-keeper and child rearing machine.
Her home became the Mecca of cleanliness as she hired additional hands to run her home in order that she managed different roles.
Now, she also has a 'me' time.
Arduous it may seem but, undauntedly, she has taken all this in her stride.
I am glad that I am a woman of today.
I believe in professionalism.
I have a say how a home be organized and how fiscal can be disciplined.
A life style partner is now better turned out, outgoing and well-informed.
This transformation made her more self-reliant and confident.
She is now a self-identified woman who even has a choice of to choose her nose contours, a face that is Botox treated and the breast size she most cherished, and ultimately possessed the size she wished to.
Gone are the times when a happy husband would snuggle by pulling his coy and reticent wife and the latter would curl in and surrender shyly.
The evolved woman with instincts of a tigress leads in bed and feels happy that she did.
One can say that her role in modern Indian society is modern, independent and yet grounded.
Emotionally though a woman has always been on a higher quotient than her counterpart but, now she is well equipped mentally as well.
She is a friend, counselor and fulfills her personal and social obligations like a responsible citizen.
Her exposure and access to the world made her more proactive in the community programs.
Her evolving roles have made her strong and she visualizes more arenas.
Most important, she is on the road to intellectual emancipation.
This all would not have happened if the men-folk had not realized and stood committed to encourage, help enable them realize their dreams.
The entire exercise of this thought is a congratulatory note to the men in their lives.
It is a thanksgiving note to the families who viewed her with a keen lens, to such an extent that she has been able to discover herself
It is only because of her family that she became more informed and confident.
More contented and spirited.
This picture surfaced even in the middle socio-economic stratum.
When we talk about this stratum we are mindful about the role of many service organizations that have come to the fore and helped them become self-reliant.
This does not end here.
What the need to be done now is the re-organization, the re-definition and re-adjustment of these roles in relationships between the sexes and the attitude of the society in general, and the effective realization of laws toward women.
What all has been discussed above has mainly a changed process in families with a nuclear set up.
The state of affair in a joint family is still not very encouraging.
Women suffer because they keep their lips tightly corked.
The reasons could be any.
If re-affirmation, acknowledgement and mutual respect increase the respectability of her work-value and contribution in all fields, on a par with those of men, the 'better half' would be happier.
As life style partner she still has to educate herself to maneuver this mental emotional strife to be able to fully use her inner strength to emerge a winner.
She needs to understand that to acquire more the only person to help her out is only her and no one else.
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.
" Abraham Lincoln She has to gather an ounce of tact, a pound of patience and a sizable amount of time to sustain in a bond within her extended family.
There is no reason then, why a woman would not belt out the best despite all the oddities.
I vividly recall my grandmother.
She coddled us.
My mother did the same to her children.
Today's woman is no different.
She loves her family dearly.
Whether it is the evolved woman or the historic woman, the generic potion of love in her DNA has not changed.
She proudly admits, ''I am a new woman.
I race against myself.
I look within and keep pushing my own personal boundaries in an ever-changing world.

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