Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Plant Red Clover

    • 1). Perform a soil test before planting red clover. A pH of 6.2 to 6.5 is what you're looking for, as well as adequate amounts of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen in your soil.

    • 2). Plant in late summer or early fall, using 8 to 16 pounds of Red Clover seed per acre and planting at a depth of a quarter of an inch.

    • 3). Mix in a grass when you plant red clover, and this will greatly reduce the risk of "bloat." For example, if you plant eight pounds of Red Clover seed per acre, plant two pounds of Timothy, or six pounds of orchardgrass.

    • 4). Fertilize with a mixture including nitrogen, phosphate and potash to increase the yield of the red clover.

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