Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Clarify Your Goals

It's not as simple as it sounds - you settle in and try to nail down your goals, and you're stuck.
You write something down, then cross it out.
It can be frustrating and even a little scary.
The fact is, as long as you haven't committed yourself to choosing one path, all paths are open.
Let's face it - making a choice limits you, and that may not feel good.
But you also know that you're tired of drifting aimlessly from one goal to another, never really finishing anything.
You get going on one thing, and then something else starts to look really interesting, and the thing you're working on loses its attraction.
By now you've figured out that that's no way to get anywhere in life, that only the people who have goals are likely to reach them.
The truth is that if you have no goals, you'll also reach them.
Here's a little secret: once you reach your goals, you can always set new goals, even radically different goals.
So let's get going.
First, write a list of what you don't want.
This may not seem like the best idea, especially if you're familiar with the law of attraction.
Why put your attention on the negative? Won't you just draw more of it into your life? Not in this case, because until you're able to be clear on what you want, you're not going to be able to focus on it in any kind of coherent or consistent way.
Focusing on what you don't want is usually easier, plus it serves to clarify what you do want.
Now go back to your list of what you don't want and going right down the list, write the opposites.
So if you don't want to have a job where you feel that your boss doesn't like or appreciate you, you would write something like "I want a job where my boss likes and values me.
" And so on down the list, whether it's about your work, your car, your home, your relationships, your health, or whatever came up about your life in the first list.
Do this now: Get a paper and write at the top "Things I don't like about my life" and begin numbering them starting with the first thing that comes to mind.
Just go for it, let it all out.
When you're done, you might think it's a pretty depressing list.
But here's where it gets to be fun.
This part is literally "let's play pretend.
" Start with the first numbered item on the list and write the opposite in positive terms.
In the example above, I didn't write, "I want a boss who doesn't belittle me or make me feel worthless.
" I wrote, "I want a job where my boss likes me and values me.
" See the difference? Don't let yourself be stopped with thoughts like "that's not realistic.
" We're playing pretend here, remember? We're shifting your thoughts from a negative vibration to a positive one, we're opening up possibilities in your energetic field, so allow yourself to dream, to think "what if...
" or "wouldn't it be nice...
?" This is where you begin to be more careful about how you phrase things, and how you focus your thoughts.
Go ahead and play with those good feeling outcomes, even if you have no idea how such things could possibly come about.
Your job is to focus only on the "what.
" By doing so you release Spirit to do the "how.
" Hold your visions loosely.
Keep that spirit of play active.
You may find that possibilities you never dreamed of start coming your way, and they may not necessarily be exactly what you had thought of, but by moving into the place of focusing your energies expectantly on a positive outcome, you've created the condition where good things that are even better than what you were able to think of before begin to come to you.
The Universe can be full of the most wonderful surprises.
And you really can be in more control of what comes into your life than you ever thought possible.
For more information, go to: http://alturl.

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