Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Big Daddy Pepper Plants

    • Big daddy peppers are commonly used for culinary purposes.Jim Franco/Photodisc/Getty Images

      Big daddy peppers are types of bell peppers known scientifically as Capsicum annuum. The are a part of the Solanaceae family. The peppers produced by the plants are large in size and have a vibrant yellow color. Big daddy peppers are commonly used for culinary purposes, especially in salsas and salads, and are frequently stuffed, roasted, stir-fried and grilled.


    • Big daddy pepper plants generally grow to heights of between 18 inches and 2 feet. Big daddy pepper plants produce vibrantly yellow peppers that grow longer than 6 inches. The peppers start out green and gradually change to yellow at maturity.


    • Big daddy pepper plants take about three months to produce jumbo peppers. They require sunny locations and moderate watering every two to three days. The plants are intolerant of saturated soil, as it can lead to waterlogged roots. It is important to not over-fertilize the plants, as well. Mulch is necessary to stop excessive evaporation during the summer's dry months. To provide the plants with sufficient support, it is helpful to tie them loosely to stakes with the use of rubber bands. This permits the expansion that occurs as a result of healthy growth.


    • Big daddy peppers are common ingredients in many different dishes, such as Mexican salsas and salads. The peppers provide a spicy flavor to dishes and an eye-catching color to any meal. For optimal flavor, consume the peppers on the same day they were harvested. Place the peppers on a counter in the kitchen for one to two days to further ripening.

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