Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Harvest Egyptian Onions

    • 1). Plant Egyptian onion bulbs or seeds in mid-fall for winter establishment, spring growth and summer harvests. Plant in spring or summer for next-season harvests.

    • 2). Set out an Egyptian onion plot in a spot with full sunshine, quick year-round drainage and good air movement. Egyptian onions don't grow in shade or muddy soil. Allow at least 5 square feet for multiple plantings.

    • 3). Amend the soil to a depth of 10 inches in the plot to give the plants loose, rich soil. Mix 3 to 4 inches of organic compost into your tilled soil for better nutrition and soil retention, and add 1-2-2 granular fertilizer for quick rooting.

    • 4). Plant Egyptian onion bulbs 1 to 2 inches deep, spaced 3 to 6 inches apart in the row. Leave 1 foot of space between multiple rows for gardening space.

    • 5). Water the Egyptian onion patch with 2 inches of water every week. Lay 1 inch of organic mulch over the soil to maintain warmth and moisture year-round. Replenish mulch as it breaks down.

    • 6). Harvest greens through summer and into fall, until they dry and die back. Cut greens at 4 to 6 inches from green stalks.

    • 7). Harvest topsets, or bulbs in the foliage, in mid-summer to autumn, whenever the leaves dry and whither. Cut any topsets before they reach the ground to avoid accidental propagation and spreading.

    • 8). Harvest root crops in late summer to fall. Pull the plants up from the roots to harvest these vegetables.

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