Handmade Crafts for Bridal Shower Guests
- You can make your own bath scrubs, package them in glass mason jars, wrap them with ribbon and place them on a table for guests to grab while they’re chatting or eating at your bridal shower. Follow a recipe that calls for coarse salt, a fragrant oil such as coconut or almond oil and a small amount of an essential oil like lavender, peppermint, orange, grapefruit or tea tree oil. Mix in a bit of dendritic salt to the batch to act as a preservative. Make a few large batches of different scents and package them into smaller containers so that your guests can choose the scent they like best. Decorate the outside of the jars with a simple paper print out of your wedding date and the wedding couples’ names.
- If you are known amongst your friends for loving coffee or tea and plan to incorporate that theme somehow into your bridal shower, either by holding it at your favorite coffee shop or serving your favorite brews to your guests at the shower, a coffee filter bath sachet makes a unique and thoughtful bridal shower favor. Gather coffee filters, thread, card stock paper, a hole puncher and Epsom salt, oats or dried herbs and essential oils. Make three different mixes that will release a fragrant aroma when dipped in warm bath water. Fill cone-shaped coffee filters with the mixes then fold and sew or staple them together to secure the ingredients inside. Staple a small string to the top of each sachet. Cut a tag out of card stock paper, punch a hole in the tag and tie the thread through it. Write the scent of the sachet on the tag. Package one of each of the three scents you make together in small organza bags or coffee cans and give one to each guest.
- Treat your guests' taste buds to one of your favorite cookie, cake or brownie mixes by combining all of the dry ingredients needed to make a batch of the dessert into mason jars. Seal the jars and tie a ribbon around the top. Print out the recipe and glue it to a large card stock tag. Punch a hole in the top of the tag and tie one of the ribbon ends to it. Include all the ingredients as well as cooking directions on the card. Write a short thank you message on the other side to show your guests how much you appreciate them.
- On an evening where everyone in attendance is there to make you feel special and loved, treat them all to an unexpected present that makes each person there feel loved and special. Purchase a single long-stemmed yellow rose for each guest. Tie a ribbon around the rose. Print out one of your favorite poems or scripture verses on a card, punch a hole in the top and tie it to the rose stem. Choose a poem or saying about friendship, family or gratitude and use it to express your appreciation for your guests who have done so much to make your wedding special.