Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Care for an Oak Tree With Ants in Florida

    • 1). Observe the undersides of your oak's leaves. Look for tiny, soft-bodied, pale green insects called aphids. Aphids produce a substance called honeydew, which is very attractive to ants. Spray the oak with a hard spray of water from a garden hose, working down from the top of the crown to get rid of aphids.

    • 2). Look at the twigs and bark of the oak for scale insects. They are very small, dark, reddish-brown insects that also secrete honeydew. Control scale with insecticide applied to the soil around the tree. Follow package instructions carefully to get the right proportions for the size and age of your oak.

    • 3). Watch for small, fuzzy, brown spheres developing on oak twigs and bark. These spheres, called galls, are created by fungus, bacteria and nematodes that thrive in Florida's moist warmth. Ants are attracted to developing larvae and fungus inside the galls. Remove galls as you find them, and dispose of them in plastic bags.

    • 4). Prune infested oak branches in fall, winter or early spring, when wounds heal quickly and ant activity is at its lowest point. Pruning in summer is likely to attract more ants. Discard infested prunings in yard waste bags.

    • 5). Look for anthills in the vicinity of your oak tree. In Florida, anthills can be large and extensive. Rather than trying to control a large population with over-the-counter remedies, you may want to consult a professional exterminator.

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