Power of Intention - Manifesting Desires
I live by a river.
My house is on the banks of the Coast Fork Willamette River, in Pleasant Hill, Oregon.
It is heaven on earth.
I manifested this property with a simple "intention" to find some view property with five or more acres and some privacy and seclusion.
That was about it, that was my whole intention.
My logical mind led me right to thinking primarily about a hillside property because that's about the only way you get a "view" in this part of the country.
Here is the funny thing about being a Master Creator.
You put the thought of your desire out there and you have some certain pre-conceived idea about how your desire is going to manifest but, and this is a big but, the universe can see farther and knows more about our higher good than we do.
So here is one thing I have observed as a Master Creator, and this is pretty profound for me, the thing I observe is that the universe always delivers my creations to me in a much more magnificent manner that I could have ever thought up and this was the case for my "view property" so we could build our "dream house.
" Okay, so my wife and I got into a habit of taking a little drive around the outskirts of our town every Saturday morning sometime around 10:00 a.
Why 10:00 a.
you say? Because that is when the radio show "Car Talk" comes on.
Yes, it's 'Click and Clack' the Tappet Brothers, more commonly known as Tom and Ray Magliozzi.
The show is about two brothers in Cambridge, Mass.
who know cars and car repair so people can call in about car repairs or your personal relations or any other subject.
These guys are FUNNY! If you listen to them once you will be hooked.
That's fair warning but just in case you are one of those adventuresome ones then you might check them out at your local PBS radio station.
Check the schedule for "Car Talk".
Try it, you'll definitely like it.
Okay, so we are taking our usual Saturday morning ride and we just head east out of town on Highway 58 that makes its way to Central Oregon via the next big town of Oakridge.
Then you head over the mountains to Central Oregon.
We hadn't been out in this part of the country in quite a while so all the scenery was pretty new to us.
We we're heading east when we crossed the bridge going over the Coast Fork Willamette River and take a right on Cloverdale Road.
I have always liked Cloverdale Road.
It is pristine river-bottom land where the soil is so fertile that you can plant just about anything here and it will grow.
It is rural country with lots of small farms, ranchettes and houses scattered away from each other.
So I was looking off to the hills in the East thinking that there might be some view properties up there and as I take my eyes back to the road I see a "for sale" sign off to the right.
Hey, were out driving looking for property right? Okay so we pull into the driveway and drive a little way down till we come to a locked gate.
The realtor had a flyer box by his sign so I took one of the flyers out the box to get the particulars.
Had a cool map to the house and the price, acreage, all that stuff, but the most intriguing part was the headline, "Riverfront Property.
" Wow! I had to see this place.
Well, I proposed to my wife that we hop over the fence and walk back in but she was not up to it so I took her home and then I turned around and drove back to this locked gate.
I didn't exactly vault the gate but I did go over it very lightly and proceeded to jog up the driveway because it's a LONG DRIVEWAY.
So I come to the garage that welcomes you to the inner sanctum.
I knew the property was vacant so I felt like taking my time to get a good feel for it.
The house is just beyond the garage and turns out to be a double-wide manufactured home.
It is kind of old but it is structurally sound and actually looks good from the outside, first-view perspective.
As I head toward the house I move past the garage and there to my right, is a most beautiful view of the Coast Fork Willamette River.
Oh wow! Gettin' kind of hooked here: I naturally (and I do mean naturally) gravitate toward the water.
I am being sucked into it by a magnet that the universe calls "The Law of Attraction.
" The law of attraction tells us that you bring into your life that which you put your attention on.
Amen! So yes, I did have a conscious intention to find a view property, with five or more acres, secluded and private.
But beyond this simple intention the universe could see farther and know more of my true desire than I did on a conscious basis.
You see, the universe, i.
your higher self, plays in all dimensions of consciousness and therefore has access to our highest good at all times.
Well it turns out that I really love the Willamette River and praise it all the time during my regular jogging sessions that are all primarily along the riverbank trail system we are so blessed to have in Eugene, with thanks in huge part to a pioneering mayor by the name of Ruth Bascom, who is a bicycle rider and a champion of the riverbank bike trail system.
Well done Mayor Ruth.
The universe, my higher self, sees a wonderful opportunity to bring me something much more magnificent than what I had asked.
Blows me away all the time and I love it.
I come to expect it.
I know, with all my heart, that my deepest desires will manifest into my experience and when it happens it will always be grander than I expected.
Now, isn't it cool to go through life with that attitude? Yes, it is! Okay, so the second time (the next day) I go out, jump the gate, jog the driveway and turn the corner at the garage, OH MY GOD! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? Yes, yes it is an Eagle flying up out of the old tree hanging in the water on the opposite side of the river.
When is the last time you've seen an Eagle? Exactly! As I watched this magnificent bird fly out of the water, into the sky and up the river, I said to myself, "if this isn't a sign I don't know what is.
" I went home, called my Realtor and told him I wanted to make an offer on this property.
"Sure, no problem" he says.
We meet and write an offer and get a call the next day that our offer is accepted.
Okay, now how do I pay for this? And yes, that's another story but as a Master Creator I hope you take a look at it when it comes out.
Real good lessons about how to manifest a huge amount of money without the income to support it.
Turns out to be quite easy.
My house is on the banks of the Coast Fork Willamette River, in Pleasant Hill, Oregon.
It is heaven on earth.
I manifested this property with a simple "intention" to find some view property with five or more acres and some privacy and seclusion.
That was about it, that was my whole intention.
My logical mind led me right to thinking primarily about a hillside property because that's about the only way you get a "view" in this part of the country.
Here is the funny thing about being a Master Creator.
You put the thought of your desire out there and you have some certain pre-conceived idea about how your desire is going to manifest but, and this is a big but, the universe can see farther and knows more about our higher good than we do.
So here is one thing I have observed as a Master Creator, and this is pretty profound for me, the thing I observe is that the universe always delivers my creations to me in a much more magnificent manner that I could have ever thought up and this was the case for my "view property" so we could build our "dream house.
" Okay, so my wife and I got into a habit of taking a little drive around the outskirts of our town every Saturday morning sometime around 10:00 a.
Why 10:00 a.
you say? Because that is when the radio show "Car Talk" comes on.
Yes, it's 'Click and Clack' the Tappet Brothers, more commonly known as Tom and Ray Magliozzi.
The show is about two brothers in Cambridge, Mass.
who know cars and car repair so people can call in about car repairs or your personal relations or any other subject.
These guys are FUNNY! If you listen to them once you will be hooked.
That's fair warning but just in case you are one of those adventuresome ones then you might check them out at your local PBS radio station.
Check the schedule for "Car Talk".
Try it, you'll definitely like it.
Okay, so we are taking our usual Saturday morning ride and we just head east out of town on Highway 58 that makes its way to Central Oregon via the next big town of Oakridge.
Then you head over the mountains to Central Oregon.
We hadn't been out in this part of the country in quite a while so all the scenery was pretty new to us.
We we're heading east when we crossed the bridge going over the Coast Fork Willamette River and take a right on Cloverdale Road.
I have always liked Cloverdale Road.
It is pristine river-bottom land where the soil is so fertile that you can plant just about anything here and it will grow.
It is rural country with lots of small farms, ranchettes and houses scattered away from each other.
So I was looking off to the hills in the East thinking that there might be some view properties up there and as I take my eyes back to the road I see a "for sale" sign off to the right.
Hey, were out driving looking for property right? Okay so we pull into the driveway and drive a little way down till we come to a locked gate.
The realtor had a flyer box by his sign so I took one of the flyers out the box to get the particulars.
Had a cool map to the house and the price, acreage, all that stuff, but the most intriguing part was the headline, "Riverfront Property.
" Wow! I had to see this place.
Well, I proposed to my wife that we hop over the fence and walk back in but she was not up to it so I took her home and then I turned around and drove back to this locked gate.
I didn't exactly vault the gate but I did go over it very lightly and proceeded to jog up the driveway because it's a LONG DRIVEWAY.
So I come to the garage that welcomes you to the inner sanctum.
I knew the property was vacant so I felt like taking my time to get a good feel for it.
The house is just beyond the garage and turns out to be a double-wide manufactured home.
It is kind of old but it is structurally sound and actually looks good from the outside, first-view perspective.
As I head toward the house I move past the garage and there to my right, is a most beautiful view of the Coast Fork Willamette River.
Oh wow! Gettin' kind of hooked here: I naturally (and I do mean naturally) gravitate toward the water.
I am being sucked into it by a magnet that the universe calls "The Law of Attraction.
" The law of attraction tells us that you bring into your life that which you put your attention on.
Amen! So yes, I did have a conscious intention to find a view property, with five or more acres, secluded and private.
But beyond this simple intention the universe could see farther and know more of my true desire than I did on a conscious basis.
You see, the universe, i.
your higher self, plays in all dimensions of consciousness and therefore has access to our highest good at all times.
Well it turns out that I really love the Willamette River and praise it all the time during my regular jogging sessions that are all primarily along the riverbank trail system we are so blessed to have in Eugene, with thanks in huge part to a pioneering mayor by the name of Ruth Bascom, who is a bicycle rider and a champion of the riverbank bike trail system.
Well done Mayor Ruth.
The universe, my higher self, sees a wonderful opportunity to bring me something much more magnificent than what I had asked.
Blows me away all the time and I love it.
I come to expect it.
I know, with all my heart, that my deepest desires will manifest into my experience and when it happens it will always be grander than I expected.
Now, isn't it cool to go through life with that attitude? Yes, it is! Okay, so the second time (the next day) I go out, jump the gate, jog the driveway and turn the corner at the garage, OH MY GOD! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? Yes, yes it is an Eagle flying up out of the old tree hanging in the water on the opposite side of the river.
When is the last time you've seen an Eagle? Exactly! As I watched this magnificent bird fly out of the water, into the sky and up the river, I said to myself, "if this isn't a sign I don't know what is.
" I went home, called my Realtor and told him I wanted to make an offer on this property.
"Sure, no problem" he says.
We meet and write an offer and get a call the next day that our offer is accepted.
Okay, now how do I pay for this? And yes, that's another story but as a Master Creator I hope you take a look at it when it comes out.
Real good lessons about how to manifest a huge amount of money without the income to support it.
Turns out to be quite easy.