Tips to Remove Google Redirect Virus
The article is designed to educate users about Google redirect virus and help them get rid of it using simple, reliable method(s).
It is to be noted that success or failure of method(s) explained in the article entirely depends on how correctly you follow the instructions.
Are you being redirected to advertisement or other fake websites or is it that you don't see the desired search results after you tried searching anything in the Google search engine.
If yes, then you are hit by the dangerous Google redirect virus.
The virus hijacks your web browser and manipulates the Google search results that only take you to the advertisement or fake malicious websites.
Once you know the virus has hit your browser, you should immediately take steps to remove the virus from your computer.
Sooner is better, later will be dangerous.
Below are the simple instructions that will help you taking this virus off your system immediately and safely.
Instructions: Click on the Start menu and go to Run.
Type 'C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts' (without quotes and as it is) in the box and hit Enter on the keyboard.
When the etc window opens up, locate and double click on the file named 'Hosts' and open it in a Notepad or WordPad (choose from the list of options).
When the file opens, it will read something like '# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names.
Each # entry should be kept on an individual line.
The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name'.
Remove all of lines of IP addresses in this file (in Notepad or WordPad whichever you have opened the file in) except for '127.
1 localhost'.
Save the file and close it.
Reboot computer only if prompted.
Having so many IP address lines in the Hosts file is the only reason for getting redirected to the same or bogus sites.
If there aren't many IP number lines in the file, then probably this is not the issue, but it was still worth a look.
This will remove the Google redirect virus completely from your system.
Try another method.
Click on the Start menu and go to Run.
When the Run window opens, type 'devmgmt.
msc' (without quotes and as is) and click on the OK button.
When the Device Manager window opens up, click on the View tab, and select Show Hidden Device.
Click on the '+' sign next to all the devices listed.
Locate 'TDSSserv.
sys', right click on it, and select Disable to disable it.
Do not click the Uninstall option as doing so will bring the infection back after rebooting the computer.
Now that you have disabled 'TDSSserv.
sys', update your antivirus, run a complete system scan for detecting and removing the virus.
You can download and run an additional spyware removal tool like UnHack Me, Kasperky's Tdsskiller, or Microsoft's Windows Defender etc.
Also, regularly update your anti-virus program in order to enhance your PC's defense against seen and unseen virus, spyware, and rootkits among other infections.
It is recommended to run a full system scan whenever you find something suspicious on your computer.
Additional Tips: Check the symptoms of Google redirect virus.
If you get error prompts like the filename.
exe is not a valid WIn32 application, or the setup files of a newly downloaded and installed program are corrupt, or search results appear to be totally different from what you actually searched for in Google search engine, then you are affected by Google redirect virus.
It is to be noted that success or failure of method(s) explained in the article entirely depends on how correctly you follow the instructions.
Are you being redirected to advertisement or other fake websites or is it that you don't see the desired search results after you tried searching anything in the Google search engine.
If yes, then you are hit by the dangerous Google redirect virus.
The virus hijacks your web browser and manipulates the Google search results that only take you to the advertisement or fake malicious websites.
Once you know the virus has hit your browser, you should immediately take steps to remove the virus from your computer.
Sooner is better, later will be dangerous.
Below are the simple instructions that will help you taking this virus off your system immediately and safely.
Instructions: Click on the Start menu and go to Run.
Type 'C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts' (without quotes and as it is) in the box and hit Enter on the keyboard.
When the etc window opens up, locate and double click on the file named 'Hosts' and open it in a Notepad or WordPad (choose from the list of options).
When the file opens, it will read something like '# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names.
Each # entry should be kept on an individual line.
The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name'.
Remove all of lines of IP addresses in this file (in Notepad or WordPad whichever you have opened the file in) except for '127.
1 localhost'.
Save the file and close it.
Reboot computer only if prompted.
Having so many IP address lines in the Hosts file is the only reason for getting redirected to the same or bogus sites.
If there aren't many IP number lines in the file, then probably this is not the issue, but it was still worth a look.
This will remove the Google redirect virus completely from your system.
Try another method.
Click on the Start menu and go to Run.
When the Run window opens, type 'devmgmt.
msc' (without quotes and as is) and click on the OK button.
When the Device Manager window opens up, click on the View tab, and select Show Hidden Device.
Click on the '+' sign next to all the devices listed.
Locate 'TDSSserv.
sys', right click on it, and select Disable to disable it.
Do not click the Uninstall option as doing so will bring the infection back after rebooting the computer.
Now that you have disabled 'TDSSserv.
sys', update your antivirus, run a complete system scan for detecting and removing the virus.
You can download and run an additional spyware removal tool like UnHack Me, Kasperky's Tdsskiller, or Microsoft's Windows Defender etc.
Also, regularly update your anti-virus program in order to enhance your PC's defense against seen and unseen virus, spyware, and rootkits among other infections.
It is recommended to run a full system scan whenever you find something suspicious on your computer.
Additional Tips: Check the symptoms of Google redirect virus.
If you get error prompts like the filename.
exe is not a valid WIn32 application, or the setup files of a newly downloaded and installed program are corrupt, or search results appear to be totally different from what you actually searched for in Google search engine, then you are affected by Google redirect virus.