Family & Relationships Conflict

Win Back Your Ex by Dating Someone Else!

If you really want to get back with your ex, one way you can is by dating someone else.
I know, I know, that probably doesn't sound right to you.
It seems sneaky and unfair (especially to the temporary "significant other") but what if by doing it it gets you closer to getting back together with your ex.
How about now - does it sound better to you? Let me give you a little explanation here.
When you have been dumped by someone that you are still in love with, your instincts are to do anything and everything you can to try to hold on to them.
Also keep in mind, just because your ex may be with someone else now, it doesn't mean they don't still have strong feelings for you.
So don't panic.
We still have time to fix this! Right now, so soon after the breakup, it is probably good that you both have a little time apart.
During this time, make sure you don't contact your ex.
Just let him get on with whatever they are doing and you do the same.
Once you have determined that you are not going to have any contact with your ex, it is time to reconnect with friends and get out and have some fun.
Not only will this keep your mind busy and off the temptation of contacting your ex, but it will boost your confidence and take some of the stress you have been under.
Let me say this one more time - Have fun! If you meet someone that you think you might like to date, don't hold back.
Now is the time to win back your ex by dating someone else.
Remember you are not in a relationship right now so you are now available.
To be fair to the other party though, you need to make sure they understand that you are not ready to commit to any kind of long-term relationship right now.
You are just ready to have some fun.
What you need to remember though, you are not doing this to make your ex jealous, you are just keeping your own spirits high and boosting your confidence and self-esteem (which may be a little low right now).
Even if you don't win back your exby dating someone else, you never know, the new relationship may just turn out to be a better relationship.
The way to find out is by getting out there!

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