Family & Relationships Conflict

Get Her Back Without Being A Wimp!

Are you trying to get your ex back and doing everything in your power to get her back? Are you tried of feeling like you just handed over the family jewels to her as you try everything that you can think of to get her to change her mind? Are you tired of being nice and understanding and getting nothing in return? If you've tried being nice or talking things through or being understanding and giving her some space and time to "find herself" or "figure out what she's going to do" then you are at a crossroads that many guys find themselves at when trying to get their ex back.
The truth is that these methods never work and even if you are able to get her to agree to get back together chances are it will end poorly for you anyhow.
Many times when you bend over backwards to be nice and accommodating a woman will completely lose respect for you and your chances of getting her back drop off even more.
You wind up worse off than you were when she first broke up with you.
Why is this? Think about it...
would you respect a woman who was nice to you and begged and pleaded for another chance at a relationship with you? No! It might boost your ego quite a bit but you wouldn't want someone that had such low self esteem that they were nice to someone that dumped them.
Even if she was nice when she dumped you, she still rejected you.
Now, I'm not saying that you should be mean to her or hate her or be nasty to her.
It's just that right now the balance of power in your relationship is all out of whack.
The relationship dynamics are all screwed up and it's about time that you did something about it.
But what can you do? It is time to take the gloves off and mess with her mind a little bit.
I don't mean this literally but kind of...
it is time to stop being nice and begin to do what is necessary to get her back.
It is time to actually start doing some things that will make her attracted to you instead of repelled by you.
Know what I mean? Look...
women are emotional creatures and they will make a decision with their heart that overrules their head every time.
This is why women go for guys that you would think are complete losers.
So why not start doing things that will move her emotionally? No, I'm not talking about buying her flowers or writing her love letters or even become a loser.
What I'm talking about is using psychological tricks and emotional hot buttons to bring about the kind of response from her that you only dream of.
I'm talking about taking control of your relationship and having her come running back to you begging you for another chance.
Think it's impossible? Sure, many guys do but they sure are happy when they finally do get their ex back!

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