How to Kill Brown Recluses in Your Home
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Try to locate the spiders around your home.Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Seek out possible hiding locations for the spiders. Common hiding spots include wooden surfaces, boxes and crawlspaces. Garages and storage sheds can also harbor brown recluse spiders. - 2
Remove webs with the vacuum as well.Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images
Destroy egg sacs by suctioning the sacs into a vacuum cleaner. Once you have removed the egg sacs from your home, dispose of your vacuum bag in an outdoor trash receptacle. - 3). Use sticky traps to locate and kill brown recluses in your home.
- 4). Apply insecticides to your home. You can use dust insecticides such as silica gel to dust along cracks and behind light switches, or other areas where the spiders tend to crawl into. Sprays that contain cypermethrin or cyfluthrin that are applied to the exterior of your home can reduce the chances of brown recluses entering your home.
- 5). Suck up brown recluses that you find with a vacuum, disposing of the vacuum bag outside when you're finished, or crush them with a rolled up newspaper.