Make Your Own Advent Calendar Template
- 1). Determine the number of days you will use. Advent starts on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, so it can have as few as 22 days (if Christmas falls on a Monday) or as many as 28 (if Christmas is on a Sunday). Start with 28 days in your template and leave some out of your calendar that year if necessary. Secular "Advent" calendars often start on December 1 and continue until December 24, regardless of when Advent actually begins, so you can make a template with 24 days if you prefer.
- 2). Draw 24 or 28 small squares on a large piece of paper or light cardboard, and cut them out. Write a number next to each square.
- 3). Decorate a large piece of paper or light cardboard with Christmas themes.
- 4). Place the paper or cardboard facedown on a work surface, and place the calendar template face-up on the paper. Trace the appropriate number of squares for the year on the paper.
- 5). Use a craft knife to carefully cut around three sides of each square, making a small door.
- 6). Lay out another large piece of paper or light cardboard. Place the template facedown on this piece, and trace the same squares you traced on the first paper.
- 7). Write Bible verses or Christmas messages inside these squares.
- 8). Spread glue on this paper, avoiding the squares. Carefully align the paper with doors over this one, press flat, and allow to dry.
- 9). Open one door on every day of Advent, and read the message.