How to Plant Kalmia in Patio Containers
- 1). Obtain a container at least one size larger than the container holding the kalmia shrub. Only use containers that provide drainage holes and a drainage tray.
- 2). Place the container in its final destination on your patio before adding the growing medium to prevent having to move a much heavier object. Select a spot out of direct sunlight or at least a location with partial shade, since the kalmia grows best in filtered light.
- 3). Fill the container with a growing medium that provides adequate drainage and organic matter. Use a mixture of compost, potting soil, sand and perlite. Mix in a fertilizer specified for acid-loving plants as directed.
- 4). Remove enough of the soil to place the kalmia plant in the center of the container at the same level it is presently planted. Put the removed soil into a large container or on newspaper nearby. The shrub should have several inches of soil beneath and on the sides of the root ball, and the plant's root crown should be slightly above the soil line to allow for settling.
- 5). Fill in the container with the remaining soil. Pack the soil as you add it to ensure good contact with the roots. Water the planted kalmia shrub thoroughly to soak the soil and settle the shrub in place. Remove any water remaining in the drainage tray after watering.
- 6). Allow the soil to dry 2 to 3 inches down before watering again. Add water until you see water drain from the bottom. Water the kalmia more during the heat of the summer and less often through the winter season.