Increase Your Sales By Narrowing Your Scope
Some people seem to think that you need to target the largest pool of people possible to have the greatest success with your business. Sure youll be spending more money on those massive commercial printing orders, but youll be able to send out postcards or brochures to so many people of course youll gain more business because of it.
For some companies that might be true, and if you have the budget for it you might want to look into how best to organize your marketing, but the thing of it is, you can have just as much success on a much smaller budget if you learn to focus.
There are a lot of different niche markets out there just waiting to be tapped by the company who knows what to look for. And even though the market might be a lot smaller, and it might not have nearly as many people there to sell to, you can still come away making a lot more money.
The reason is because you can hone in your message to a group unlike anything you can do when focusing on a broader range of people. When aiming at a large group you simply have to have a less focused message because youre targeting so many people you cant try to limit yourself to one set group.
But the whole point of the niche market is making sure that message appeals strongly to one specific part of the market.
But why limit yourself like that?
By focusing on a niche you greatly increase your chances of success. You might draw up a commercial printing order of five hundred postcards across a large audience and get perhaps a two percent response rate. With a niche market and a specific message you could have as little as one hundred made and get as high as a eight or nine percent response rate, about equal to the larger order but at a much lower cost to you.
When a message is aimed at one core group that group is going to be more likely to care about it and listen to what it has to say. You cant say the same thing for a message attempting to appeal to everyone.
Ask yourself how many advertisements youve seen that you know are being directed at you, but dont really do the job because theyre also trying to appeal to everyone else. But if you come across an advertisement that speaks to you about things you enjoy youre going to be more likely to take interest in it, because the person who sent it to you obviously did the needed research to find out what kinds of things you liked most.
Dont let a smaller scope fool you into thinking it translates to smaller sales. Proper research and good targeting more than make up for a lack of budget, and gives you the same level of financial success.
For some companies that might be true, and if you have the budget for it you might want to look into how best to organize your marketing, but the thing of it is, you can have just as much success on a much smaller budget if you learn to focus.
There are a lot of different niche markets out there just waiting to be tapped by the company who knows what to look for. And even though the market might be a lot smaller, and it might not have nearly as many people there to sell to, you can still come away making a lot more money.
The reason is because you can hone in your message to a group unlike anything you can do when focusing on a broader range of people. When aiming at a large group you simply have to have a less focused message because youre targeting so many people you cant try to limit yourself to one set group.
But the whole point of the niche market is making sure that message appeals strongly to one specific part of the market.
But why limit yourself like that?
By focusing on a niche you greatly increase your chances of success. You might draw up a commercial printing order of five hundred postcards across a large audience and get perhaps a two percent response rate. With a niche market and a specific message you could have as little as one hundred made and get as high as a eight or nine percent response rate, about equal to the larger order but at a much lower cost to you.
When a message is aimed at one core group that group is going to be more likely to care about it and listen to what it has to say. You cant say the same thing for a message attempting to appeal to everyone.
Ask yourself how many advertisements youve seen that you know are being directed at you, but dont really do the job because theyre also trying to appeal to everyone else. But if you come across an advertisement that speaks to you about things you enjoy youre going to be more likely to take interest in it, because the person who sent it to you obviously did the needed research to find out what kinds of things you liked most.
Dont let a smaller scope fool you into thinking it translates to smaller sales. Proper research and good targeting more than make up for a lack of budget, and gives you the same level of financial success.