Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Parts of a Bulb Plant


    • Bulbs consist of five major parts: the basal plate, fleshy scales, tunic, shoot and lateral buds. The basal plate is located on the base of the bulb. The tunic is a thin, paper-like coat on the outside, like the peel of an onion. The fleshy scales, shoot and lateral buds are all located inside the bulb.


    • Each bulb part has a specific function. The basal plate provides a support for the roots that extend downward into the soil. The fleshy scales, which are visible when the bulb is cut in half, act as storage compartments for plant tissue and are protected by the tunic. The shoot contains the flower and leaf buds, and the lateral buds become the bulblets.


    • Some bulbs, called imbricate bulbs, do not have a tunic. An example of an imbricate bulb is a lily. Since the protective layer is missing, the bulbs are susceptible to drying out. Bulb with tunics are called tunicate bulbs.

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