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Procedure for Creating a Microsoft Client Boot Disk

    Download Essential Files

    • Microsoft has a compressed file that holds all the essential files to create a Microsoft Client boot disk. The files to download are located at and These two files are compressed executables, so downloading them and double-clicking them automatically creates the necessary directories and files on the hard drive.


    • The Expand.exe executable file on the Windows hard drive give the user the ability to expand the files that are packaged in the downloaded files. Although the files downloaded contain compressed files, the files within the archives are also compressed, so the user still needs to expand theme further. The expand.exe utility is a program that comes with Windows. It's a DOS based program, so the user needs to open the command prompt before continuing.

    Expand the Files

    • There are several compressed files in the download files. Each file ends with the underscore character. This symbol signifies compression. In the DOS prompt, type "expand <compressed file> <new name>" into the screen. Replace the "<compressed file>" with the name of the archive file ending in a underscore character. The "<new name>" needs to be the same name except replace the "ex_" extension with "exe" instead. This procedure creates the necessary executable files.

    Copy Additional Files

    • There are three additional files needed for a boot disk. Open the Search screen in Windows by clicking the Windows "Start" button and selecting "Search." Search for emm386.exe, Himem.sys and wfwsys.cfg. Copy these files to the boot disk as well.

    Boot the Computer

    • The final part of the boot disk procedure is to start the computer with the disk inserted in the floppy drive. When the computer boots with a floppy disk inserted, it automatically searches the diskette for boot files. The procedure created a boot disk, so now the computer can boot with the created floppy. When booting the computer, the DOS command prompt is loaded with the network drives available. The network drives can then be used to image a computer or access essential files on the network.

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