Seventeenth Anniversary Gifts
- Celebrate your 17th wedding anniversary with a special gift.Chris Ted/Lifesize/Getty Images
While a 17th wedding anniversary might not be a milestone with a traditional gift associated with it, married couples should celebrate every anniversary as the important marker in their lives that it is. Choose something special or sentimental to show your spouse how much you love being married. Modern gift suggestions associated with the 17th anniversary are furniture and watches, so consider choosing one of those items for your husband or wife. - Give your wife or husband 17 gifts as a way to mark the important day in your lives. You could choose mostly small gifts with one or two more expensive ones thrown in, so that you don't spend a ton of money on the gift. Consider spreading the gifts out during the day. For example, send flowers in the morning, show up and take her to lunch unexpectedly, and send a box of gourmet chocolates in the afternoon. Other gifts could include new ear buds for her mp3 player, a gift card for a spa day, a piece of jewelry or lingerie.
- Because a watch is a modern gift suggestion for a 17th anniversary, consider marking your anniversary with a timepiece. Go to a jewelry store and choose his and her watches that complement each other. The wife's watch might be slender and delicate, while the husbands is thicker and more masculine, but the watch metals and faces would be the same. Maybe you want to purchase a gift for your spouse that would be more of a surprise. If that's the case, choose a watch and have it engraved with both of your initials, or something else that is meaningful to the two of you.
- Furniture is the other modern gift that is associated with a 17th wedding anniversary. If you and your spouse have been planning on upgrading a piece of furniture in your home, consider choosing something together as your anniversary gift to each other. Go with a modern piece of furniture, such as a new sleigh bed for your bedroom. Alternatively, go with a piece of antique furniture from an antique store. You could also choose something that needs a bit of work and have fun restoring it together.
- Give your spouse a scrapbook of your life together for your 17th anniversary. Start the book with the time that you started dating, got engaged or got married. Include photos and written memories about your children, trips you have taken and holidays you have experienced together. Leave room at the back of the scrapbook for more pages as your lives continue together.