Home & Garden Architecture

How to Measure & Cut Tile

    Measuring the Tile

    • 1). Lay out your tiles on the surface where you will be installing them. Make sure you include spacers as well if you desire to have grout lines in between your tiles. Keep laying out the full tiles until you reach the sections that are too small for full tiles to fit, again making sure that you include the spacers including on the end tiles.

    • 2). Measure the difference between the last full tile and the wall. If you added spacers, you will need to measure from the exposed spacers at the last tiles to the wall to include the spacers in the measurement.

    • 3). Repeat the measuring process for each part that you need to cut a tile for, writing down each measurement. You should have one measurement for each tile that corresponds with each matching full end tile. Make sure that you are numbering each of the measurements that you write down (1, 2, 3, etc.).

    • 4). Measure each full tile you need to cut. Make two score marks with the grease pen, and then use the steel ruler as a guide to connect these two marks.

    • 5). Mark an "X" on the piece of the tile you won't be using and the number that corresponds to the measurement on the piece you need to keep.

    Tile Cutter

    • 1). Place your tile face up on the tile cutter board.

    • 2). Line up the cutting carriage with the cutting line. Check to make sure the cutter blade is even with the line on your tile.

    • 3). Place the blade on your mark at the end of the tile, nearest you, using the attached handle.

    • 4). Press down on the handle and push forward, away from you, to score the tile along your cutting line. Repeat if necessary to make a deep enough score mark.

    • 5). Snap your tile along the score by pulling the handle downward toward you. Repeat the whole process for each tile you need to cut.

    Tile Scriber

    • 1). Place your tile face up on a hard, flat surface.

    • 2). Line up your steel ruler with your marking line.

    • 3). Place the tile scriber at the top edge of your line and press down firmly while pulling the scriber toward you. Maintain firm pressure all the way down to the bottom, using the steel ruler as your guide.

    • 4). Make a second score pass with the scriber if necessary to ensure the score is deep enough.

    • 5). Flip your tile over and place the score mark on the corner edge of a hard surface, like the edge of a countertop.

    • 6). Press firmly downward on both ends of the tile to snap it at the score line.

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