Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Creative Expressions - Everyday Life is the Way

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" John Chapter 1.
The beginning of it all was a thought that created the vast universe.
Thought is still how you create your experience of life.
The deep well of thoughts of your life is all enclosed in the present moment.
Your present situation is the accumulation of all the past events up to this point in your life.
The ever present now is your point if power, the only place where change can take place.
You have a past by memory and a future by anticipation.
The eternal now is filled with all the possibilities of creation.
Your sensory perception of it can only recognize what events you pay attention to at any one time.
Life is experienced similar to seeing the world through a long lens; your perception is focused by your understanding of the experience.
As life moves forward each event forms the knowledge base or understanding you have of yourself and the world around you.
The present moment moves so fast that by the time your senses can register the events they are only a memory of what happened.
As memory is accumulated, the mind organizes the memories into the different functions of the brain.
You have learned motor skills and creative functions that allow you to express yourself and interact with the world.
Your life is a constant feedback loop of new events and memory of those events combining into a seamless stream of thoughts.
Your thoughts are drawn from this field of possibilities.
You don't think so much, as you are thought.
Meaning that most of your thoughts are brought to you without your direction or intention, these thoughts form your daily life and normal human expression.
The body and all its functions are on automatic and to the unconscious mind most of life thoughts are taken for granted.
When you can see how this stream of thought creates your life, you can begin to be conscious of their effects.
The benefit of recognizing your thoughts in the present moment is that you are open to what life brings you.
You lose your attachment to the past and by allowing the present moment to be what it is without judgments, you can live without stress or conflict.
Every moment is a gift, like having your birthday party all the time.
In this state of being, joy and gratitude is your response to life.
Creative thought is brought into existence by intention.
Intention is the willful expression of thought.
Any creative process is a progression of thought from the first interest in the subject to the fulfillment of the form.
When your mind opens to the possibilities of the vast energy field then imagination comes in and thoughts appear to support your intention.
All the world of form originated from thought.
You can see the progression in your own life.
Think about anytime you created something, it could be a piece of art, a school report, or fixing anything that was broken.
Where did the process start? They all began as a thought.
Where did the thought come from? It came from your willful intention to create something.
Everything in the world, all the inventions, all the material world first began as a thought and willful intention.
Albert Einstein once said that "I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details.
" This stream of thought works on many different levels.
The sensory perception of sight, sound and touch are automatic thoughts that create your perception of the physical world.
The creative level is where awareness grows and the connection to the source of all thought is realized.
There is no end to this level of perception which is your connection to the unified energy field.
Your depth of being is realized by this connection to the source of all life.
Religions have always used images of the infinite power of God as the basis for all life.
To call it an energy field is only a name that is used to describe some of the qualities of the life force.
What is important is your awareness of it and to bring that awareness into your daily life activity.
You can access creative thoughts by asking questions to your conscious awareness.
Begin by clearing the mind with a few minutes of silent meditation.
Allow the mind to be quiet and breathe deeply, feel the energy of the body flow in and out with your breath.
Questions should be phrased as specific as possible, try to break down the issues into smaller parts.
Look at your questions and see if there is a way to approach the issue in incremental steps.
When you are ready simply ask your question and wait for the answer.
Usually the first thought that comes to you will give you clarity about your question.
If you are working on a relationship problem with someone, be careful to only ask questions about your behavior and responses.
Each person can only examine thoughts about themselves and their own beliefs.
You can never impose your beliefs on someone else without causing conflicts.
All real change has to come from within each person.
Most questions will require repeated inquiry.
If for any reason the answer causes conflict within you, there is some resistance within your beliefs that still need to be resolved.
Resistance to any thought is showing you where you still have attachments and judgments about that subject.
Like an onion, questions can be many layered and will require repeated inquiry to look at many aspects of the problem to get a clear understanding.
Once you receive one answer, it will usually trigger more questions.
This is the natural process of creation.
Any creative process is a series of questions and answers until some agreement is reached.
The course of action will then be clear.
Inspiration is a name for sudden revelation or answer to questions.
Thomas Edison would go into a trance with his questions repeating in his mind.
He would hold a weight in hand, so that if he fell asleep, the weight would drop to the floor and wake him up.
He was using his subconscious connection to find answers for his inventions.
Your ability to find answers depends on letting go of preconceived beliefs and allowing your natural connection to the energy of life to open up.
When you have a clear mind, this process flows because there is no attachment to any one thought; thoughts are allowed to be what they are and nothing more.
Without judgment there is no failure or success, there is only action or non-action, agreement or non-agreement.
When your mind is open, awareness can flow in.
You can access that flow of energy anytime you desire to find clarity about a belief or to create something new in your life.

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