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Paint Techniques for Kids

    Finger Painting

    • Finger painting is a fun and messy painting technique for kids. Purchase non-toxic finger paints and glossy, thick paper for the project. For a creative approach, use puddings instead of paint and allow the kids to use their feet.

    Sponge Painting

    • Using sponges of different shapes and sizes, children can create a textured-looking piece of artwork. Sponge painting can be done on paper, pillowcases and fabrics. Thicker paint works better with sponges.

    Vegetable/Fruit Painting

    • Cut a selection of hard fruits and vegetables in half to use for painting. Apples, potatoes, carrots, turnips, pears and starfruit make unique patterns on the canvas. Use paper plates for the non-toxic paints, dipping the pieces of fruit and vegetables and stamping the canvas.

    String Painting

    • String painting is a simple painting technique using string or yarn, paint and a folded piece of paper. Pour various colors of non-toxic paints onto paper plates. Dip the yarn or string into the paint, careful to leave one end clean. Then, place the string on the paper and press the paper together. Slowly pull and wiggle the string between the paper to create a unique design. Repeat the process with more strings and colors.

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