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Article Marketing

Article Marketing: Making the Perfect Resource Box

Making a quality article is not enough for it to sell; you have to make a resource box. Its true that quality article writing can benefit your business by generating targeted traffic but it can also benefit you as a writer.

Besides promoting your business, a reader will sometimes be someone who is looking for a good writer. If you made a quality article and didnt include a resource box, the person who is looking for a good writer to employ will never know how to contact you.

A resource box contains all the information about the writer; it will be like your calling card. Since there are so many people in the internet employing good writers, you can also make extra money by writing for someone. This means that your day job or your online business will not be the only source of income youll have. Writing is also a good business.

To make a resource box, here are some of the important items that you should include:

Your full name: It is very surprising that many people who writes an article and post them in article publishing websites forgets to put their name on it. Your name should be the first thing you should put in a resource box.

You should also include your website URL. People who would want to see more of your articles would really want to visit your website. People who are looking for writers would often visit the writers website to take a look of your other articles.

Including your elevator pitch will get people more interested in you. Put 1 to 3 sentences that say about what makes your offer different from others.

Now that you have their attention, you now have to make a reason for them to visit your website or buy from you. Since your submitted article contains only some few information about your product it is best that you should invite people into your website. Remember to give only one specific reason to visit your website.

These are the most important content of a good resource box. However, there are other optional items that would be beneficial to include.

You should include the article publishing website URL in your resource box. Include all articles publishing website that you have submitted your articles. This is because people can read more of your articles from other article publishing websites.

Include your contact information such as, your phone number, email and address. It creates a sense of professionalism. People who are hiring writers will be able to contact you and speak to you personally. By doing this, people may even invite you to speak on seminars and workshops. Paid or not, do not reject them, this can be good for your reputation and many other opportunities will come.

Include a sentence that you will give free reports and of course you should provide them the free report. This will further enhance your credibility. Some people will think that you hired someone to do the articles for you. By creating a free report they can be surer that you wrote the article yourself.

Now youre ready to post your articles in article publishing websites. You now have the idea to market your articles. However, dont overdo your resource box. Here are some things that you should not include in your resource box. These are some of the most common mistakes people make in a resource box:

If you have several websites, do not include every single one of them in your resource box. This will ruin your credibility. Post only your website that is related to the topic. If you post a link of each of your website that has nothing to do with the topic, it will make people think that you are a scammer.

Do not post all of your achievements, people dont care. Remember to keep a resource box simple and to the point. A resource box is for your information not for your ego.

Make your resource box small. It should not be larger than one-fifth of your article size.

By making a resource box, it will give you a sense of professionalism and also could make people think that you are an expert on the topic. Be sure to follow these guides and you can have many business opportunities in the future. Again, do not forget to include your name.

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