Family & Relationships Conflict

How Can I Save My Relationship With My Girlfriend?

If you've asked the question: "how do I save my relationship with my girlfriend," then you know how challenging it can be sometimes to make a relationship work.
The good news is that even though it is sometimes difficult, it's not impossible and having a great relationship really is one of the best things in life and well worth the effort.
The first thing you have to honestly evaluate is whether or not the relationship is really something that should be saved.
This is so hard to do because no one wants to admit that maybe the person they love isn't the right person for them.
It happens all the time that people stay in a relationship with someone who just isn't a good fit, and they are miserable.
So before you try to save your relationship honestly evaluate whether or not it is worth saving.
If, after honest reflection, you come to the conclusion that your relationship is something that was mostly good and is worth saving, the next thing you need to figure out is whether or not your girlfriend thinks that it is something that should be saved too.
You can't do it all by yourself and you can't 'force' your girlfriend to want to work on your relationship.
If she doesn't think it's worth saving and isn't willing to try then it's time for you to bow out gracefully and move on, no matter how tough that may be.
If both of you feel that the relationship has merit in spite of your problems the next thing you need to do is have an open discussion of what those problems are.
This is where many couples will stumble because this is the point where each partner has to own up to their own B.
It's always easier to point out the flaws of your partner than to face your own, but if you really want to make your relationship work you'll need to stop focusing on the things your partner does wrong and start owning up to your own mistakes...
you both need to do this.
Most relationships fall apart because people don't communicate effectively.
They allow small aggravations to grow and grow and finally they will reach a breaking point, and then they snap.
Your partner will feel totally blindsided when this happens, which will lead to hurt and then anger and they'll lash out back at you.
This cycle happens over and over again.
In order for your relationship to work you both have to understand this and find a way to change it.
You both need to learn to communicate how you're feeling in a non-accusatory way and you also need to learn to not get defensive when your partner tries to explain where they are coming from.
This is all about maturity and self confidence since it takes a lot of both to be able to listen to criticisms and not just fly off the handle and get defensive.
The next time you ask the question: "How do I save my relationship with my girlfriend" here is the answer.
Follow these tips and just remember that it will take both of you working together to make it happen.

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