Can I Put My Orchid in the Bathroom After a Shower for Humidity?
- It's best to place orchids in south-facing windows that receive plenty of indirect lighting throughout the day. Too little light, and the orchid leaves will look discolored, and the flower won't bloom. Orchids with adequate light levels look medium green. If the orchid receives too much direct sunlight, or is placed in a window that gets too hot from the sun, it may cause the plant to scorch and burn. If your bathroom window faces south, the added bonus of humidity in the room will help the orchid, but the humidity isn't the only concern for placement.
- Orchids prefer conditions that have between 50 to 70 percent humidity, according to an article by the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service. Although you may be tempted to increase the humidity around the plant by watering more frequently, keep in mind that orchids prefer well-draining soil and need brief dry spells between waterings.
- Orchids also require good air circulation, which is why placing the plant next to the window is an ideal location, since most windows aren't completely airtight. If you do place the orchid in your bathroom, don't seal up the room by closing the door, or the stagnant, humid air may cause a fungal or bacterial disease. Orchids with adequate air circulation are less likely to ail.
- If your bathroom isn't the ideal orchid growing location, you can increase the humidity for your orchids by misting the plants regularly with room-temperature water or by placing the potted plant near other potted plants. Set the pot on a tray of gravel and water for even higher humidity levels, suggests the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service.