Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Maintain Cherry Trees in South California

    • 1). Water the cherry trees in your Southern California garden or home landscape regularly to prevent the soil from drying out. Check the soil moisture every two to three days by inserting your finger into the soil to a depth of 3 inches. Water your cherry trees when the soil at this depth feels slightly dry to the touch.

    • 2). Feed your cherry tree with a balanced, water soluble fertilizer that has been specially formulated for use with fruit-bearing trees. Apply an application of fertilizer at the beginning of each growing season to provide your cherry trees with the nutrients they need for vigorous growth. Consult the product label for specific fertilizer application instructions.

    • 3). Prune your cherry trees in the late winter to remove any and all diseased, damaged, broken or dead branches. Remove any crossing or rubbing tree branches to increase air circulation to the canopy. Train young cherry trees to grow according to the modified leader form, having a central, upright trunk and uniformly spaced scaffold branches.

    • 4). Cover the surface of the soil around your cherry trees with a 4 inch layer of mulch in the fall to insulate their roots from cooler winter temperatures. Use a lightweight, natural mulch like bark pieces, wood chips or pine straw. Keep the mulch 3 to 4 inches away from the trunks of your cherry trees to prevent increased insect activity.

    • 5). Wait for the cherries on your trees to fully ripen before harvesting them. Harvest the cherries every other day over the course of a week, or until the trees are bare. Make sure to keep the stems intact when picking your cherries. Take care to avoid damaging the woody fruit spur, as this can negatively impact future fruit production.

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