Romantic Advice - How to Say I Love You
Wherever you may look for romantic advice, you will find instructions telling you to say, "I Love You".
Yet these three Little words, so loaded with deep sentiment and meaning, are all too often uttered more as a matter of routine rather than a heartfelt declaration of affection.
Like the ubiquitous refrigerator note, this most powerful of phrases is spoken and heard so often that we can become deaf to it, making its utterance little more than another part of our daily ritual, much like brushing our teeth, something done out of habit, yet with little thought of its effects on our lives.
Putting the love back into "I Love You" is easier than you may think if you follow along with these simple action steps.
All you have to do is remember that you really do love this person and inject that emotion into your words.
While this may sound difficult at first, trust me when I say it's not.
It's actually as easy as breathing, for we speak with feeling all the time.
Whenever we get emotional or passionate about something, that feeling naturally injects itself into our words and tone of voice.
So the first step is just this: remember that you love this person.
Before opening your mouth, pause for a moment and simply allow yourself to feel the love that you hold for them.
Let it swell in your chest, filling you with warmth.
Put all other thoughts out of your head and think only of your beloved, letting him or her become the sole focus of your being for a moment.
Once you are feeling that love, look them in the eye.
Gaze deeply, falling into the experience and allowing your emotions to play across you face for them to see.
Take your lover gently in your arms and just hold them for a moment, savouring their presence in your life.
Let your expressions and your body do the talking, before getting your mouth in on the action.
Now open your mouth and, still on that emotional high, say those three magic words, "I Love You".
Your partner will feel as though they were the most loved person in all of history, for you will not only have said the words, you will have communicated them on the deepest possible level through your tone and inflection, mannerism and body language.
Everything about you in that moment will speak the words even before they come out of your mouth.
Practise this daily and you will see your relationship revived and elevated to new heights of intimacy and passion.
You will begin to actively look for and find new ways to communicate your affections to your partner, further growing your relationship to levels never before imagined.
you will find yourself inspired to phone your sweetheart from work, or send them an email or text message, just to let them know that you are thinking of them.
Let me close by giving you a bonus idea: write them a letter.
Yes, a good, old fashioned pen and paper letter.
In it tell your lover how they make you feel and why.
Be detailed and specific.
Speak form the heart.
Write or quote a favourite poem that echoes your own sentiments.
Don't tell them what you have done, just mail it and wait.
Explore different ways to let your partner know how much you love them, and do it often.
Following this romantic advice will transform your relationship and make "I Love You" a phrase loaded with meaning and memories shared with the one person you love the most.
Most importantly, it will help you to keep that which is dearest in your heart highest in your thoughts, renewing passions once thought lost and elevating them to new heights.
It will reignite fires gone cold, and keep them burning brightly throughout your lives for the whole world to see.
Yet these three Little words, so loaded with deep sentiment and meaning, are all too often uttered more as a matter of routine rather than a heartfelt declaration of affection.
Like the ubiquitous refrigerator note, this most powerful of phrases is spoken and heard so often that we can become deaf to it, making its utterance little more than another part of our daily ritual, much like brushing our teeth, something done out of habit, yet with little thought of its effects on our lives.
Putting the love back into "I Love You" is easier than you may think if you follow along with these simple action steps.
All you have to do is remember that you really do love this person and inject that emotion into your words.
While this may sound difficult at first, trust me when I say it's not.
It's actually as easy as breathing, for we speak with feeling all the time.
Whenever we get emotional or passionate about something, that feeling naturally injects itself into our words and tone of voice.
So the first step is just this: remember that you love this person.
Before opening your mouth, pause for a moment and simply allow yourself to feel the love that you hold for them.
Let it swell in your chest, filling you with warmth.
Put all other thoughts out of your head and think only of your beloved, letting him or her become the sole focus of your being for a moment.
Once you are feeling that love, look them in the eye.
Gaze deeply, falling into the experience and allowing your emotions to play across you face for them to see.
Take your lover gently in your arms and just hold them for a moment, savouring their presence in your life.
Let your expressions and your body do the talking, before getting your mouth in on the action.
Now open your mouth and, still on that emotional high, say those three magic words, "I Love You".
Your partner will feel as though they were the most loved person in all of history, for you will not only have said the words, you will have communicated them on the deepest possible level through your tone and inflection, mannerism and body language.
Everything about you in that moment will speak the words even before they come out of your mouth.
Practise this daily and you will see your relationship revived and elevated to new heights of intimacy and passion.
You will begin to actively look for and find new ways to communicate your affections to your partner, further growing your relationship to levels never before imagined.
you will find yourself inspired to phone your sweetheart from work, or send them an email or text message, just to let them know that you are thinking of them.
Let me close by giving you a bonus idea: write them a letter.
Yes, a good, old fashioned pen and paper letter.
In it tell your lover how they make you feel and why.
Be detailed and specific.
Speak form the heart.
Write or quote a favourite poem that echoes your own sentiments.
Don't tell them what you have done, just mail it and wait.
Explore different ways to let your partner know how much you love them, and do it often.
Following this romantic advice will transform your relationship and make "I Love You" a phrase loaded with meaning and memories shared with the one person you love the most.
Most importantly, it will help you to keep that which is dearest in your heart highest in your thoughts, renewing passions once thought lost and elevating them to new heights.
It will reignite fires gone cold, and keep them burning brightly throughout your lives for the whole world to see.