Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Experiencing Miracles in Your Life

Willingness to obey God and obedience to Him no matter how crazy it seems cause one to enjoy the best from the land.
'"If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.
" For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
'- Isa.
When you are fully obedient to God '"then you will find your joy in the Lord, and I [the Lord] will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.
" The mouth of the Lord has spoken.
'- Isa.
58:14(NIV) [emphasis mine].
And God desires the best for you.
He says, '...
, I pray [wish] that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.
'- 3 John 1:2(NIV) [emphasis mine].
If you want to experience miracles in your life constantly do whatever He tells you.
At the marriage ceremony at Cana in Galilee, to which Jesus and His disciples where invited and in which the hosts ran short of wine, Mary knew the key to receiving the needed miracle, "Do whatever he tells you.
"- John 2:5(NIV).
The servants obeyed.
They had to, at least, have some faith to do that.
So they got their miracle.
Note that it was as they drew the water that the miracle of change took place.
The difference is in the word of God you do.
It is our faith response or reaction or action that causes us to experience the change; that causes the manifestation of the blessing of God to be or become in our lives.
Now imagine having that happen on a constant basis, at every point in your life.
That's the kind of life God intends for us here on earth.
Miracle is what God does.
It is us that call it miracle because it confounds our imagination.
To God these things are normal.
And He wants you to walk in that level of life.
When you walk in complete obedience to God you experience these things sometimes without realizing it.
Maybe after some years you begin see it or you hear a testimony to that.
Then you begin to understand why God said go there or don't.
Why he said do that or don't.
I'm a witness to that.
All God needs is for you to play your part and He will play His.
On God's end there is no problem.
The problem is always from our end.
God has a responsibility towards you and you have a responsibility towards yourself as well.
God has His part to play and you have yours.
And that you must do if you must have the miracles you need in your life.

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